Duty Fuck

He stood on the gate bored out of his wits. Tony had never been the type to sit still for too long. He only had about a 10mins left on the entry control point, before he could go on patrol again.

The lights of an on coming car lit up his post. He stepped out of the car to check their Identification card. He noticed how humid it was outside, the fact that his blue digital uniform didn't breath and his bulletproof vest made it extra hot. He enjoyed how the vest made him look fuller. He looked down at his boots as he stepped out o the shack, and wished the shine on his boots were better.

The car pulled up. He signaled for them to cut off their headlights as they blinded him.

"I'm sorry!" she said

Her dark curly hair was in a ponytail, Tony noticed. Her light brown skin flowed to her low cut shirt exposing her cleavage. As he made his way up to her face, he noticed things weren't so bad at this gate after all.

She dug in her purse for her ID card. Tony took the opportunity to check out what she had on and steal another look at her tits. He could feel his dick getting engorged. She handed him he ID card smiling. He could see his reflection in her sunglasses.

"How long are you out here for?" She asked.

"Another 10 mins then I go on patrol again." He replied "But that's just about as boring as being stuck on this gate."

"Yeah" she said, "It is quiet out here. But that could be a good thing?"

They both laughed. Tony wished that the sun was in the direction that he was facing, possibly creating a glare on his glasses so he could steal another look at her cleavage, he was sure that she was wearing a bra. Titties don't usually sit up perky like that, he thought. The thought made his mouth water. As they continued conversing, his thoughts briefly drifted to fantasizing about how uninhibited she could be sexually.

"Well, I guess I better get home." She said ready to leave with a pause.

Tony thought about getting her number when he saw she didn't have a wedding ring but "pitching woo" on post wasn't real professional, or so his seniors had drilled into him and especially to a married woman but she's not even wearing a ring he argued with himself. He decided to let it go.

"Alrighty," he replied, "well, you have a good day and don't start any trouble for me." He joked.

"No promises!" She laughingly replied as she pulled off.

He thought to himself She really turned me on, huh? He knew the truth. His dick had filled up with a little blood making him slightly engorged. He saw the lights of a police truck pulling up to the post. Finally, my relief.

When Tony was on patrol, he figured he'll do a couple of quick patrols of the base and head in and finish some paper work. She still lingered in his head and so did her cleavage And I'm not even a titty man, he thought to himself. He did a quick patrol of the former satellite base that was only still open because of the housing that it provided. He made a sweep of the old marine barracks, that some claimed was haunted, the industrial areas where the Navy Seabees practiced working with some of their construction equipment, and then patrolling the housing post. Nothing unusual he thought to himself. He drove back to the precinct still thinking of her. I got to get some pussy he thought to himself. He hadn't had any in a couple of weeks, and it was starting to show with how much she lingered in his head. He unlocked the door to the patrol office, sat down and turned on the TV and flipped through the channels to try to find something to watch as he finished up his report.

The phone rang. "Naval Security Force, Petty Officer Robinson speaking. How may I help you sir or ma'am?" He answered.

"Oh…hey." Said the feminine voice. "Is this the guy who was at the gate a couple of mins ago"

Then he recognized the voice. It was her.

"Uh yeah!" He replied nervously. "Great" she laughed "I was kind nervous about calling."

"Didn't I tell you not to start any trouble?" He jested.

She laughed and said "I know, It's nothing major but could you stop by here for a quick second please?"

"Yeah," he replied "is everything ok?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just need some help with something and don't want to call any of my neighbors husband over her since its so late. You know how Navy wives can get?"

"Yeah, I can come right over what's the address?" Tony said.

He wrote down the address with the thought of her tits dancing around in his head. As he did his best to try to quell any erotic thoughts he was having about her. He didn't want to walk into her house with a raging hard on.

He found the address and decided to park a couple of houses down the street in the cul-de-sac to keep things inconspicuous. He often parked there on nights to surf the Internet on his phone, when he was bored. As he walked up to the house, he figured he wouldn't be there long.

He knocked and waited of a second, turning his back to the door.

"Hey" she said as she opened the door. Tony turned around and smiled. "Come on in." He stepped inside the house. She said "It's back this way." As she lead him through the living room toward the back of the house. Tony took in her shape. Her petite feet and sexy legs were thick but weren't what he considered fat. Her ass was nice, round and plump. She wore fruity colored shorts that just barely kept a cheek from hanging out. The black wife beater fit her form perfectly, showing her exaggerated hourglass form. He noticed that he liked her better with her hair down than in a ponytail, as he thought it made her look more feminine.

She lead him to the kitchen and into the backyard. "I just need this propane bottle moved, it's too heavy for me to lift by myself."

"No problem." He replied. He shook the tank trying to get a good measure of its weight. He bent over to grip it and heard her make a noise. Is she looking at my ass, he thought as he lifted it noticing that it weighed about 70-80 lbs, "Where do you want it?" He asked.

"Just over there by the gate next to the grill. She replied

Tony moved the tank where she asked and heard her make the noise again as he bent over to put the bottle down. As he turned around he noticed her silhouette in the light. He asked "There, is cool, right?"

"Yeah" she replied "thanks so much! Can I get you something to drink?"

"Sure! What you got?" He asked.

"Well, I was just having a glass of wine" as she picked up her glass and took a sip, but I'm sure you can't have that with you carrying a weapon and all. Tony agreed. "But I do have Sprite, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper and some juice boxes." She laughed.

"I'll take a Dr. Pepper." Said Tony, as he leaned against the kitchen counter. Trying to hid his erection that was raging at this point, as he watched her bend over into fridge. He cleared his throat as he tried to look away before she saw him. As she handed him the drink can, he said "So I didn't catch your name at the gate."

"Sorry, it's Regina." She said.

"No problem, I'm Tony, by the way." He said as he reached out his hand. They shook hands and he noticed hers lingered for a min. "So is your husband deployed?" He asked, fishing for information.

"No, I'm not married. I'm a single parent, I have a two year old daughter that's my world, but she's in Virginia with her father for the summer."

"Oh cool." He said. His eyes drifted to her body again. She rubbed her legs together.

"So what about you?" She asked. "Wife, girlfriend,… Boyfriend."

"None of the above." Tony laughed. "Cute though"

"Well, you never know." She said. She came around the corner to where he was standing. "I really appreciate you coming over and doing this for me."

As she got closer, Tony could've sworn he smelled her pussy getting wet. He shook the thought and smiled. They conversed a bit more, but Tony noticed she was creeping increasingly into his personal space. He stood his ground.

She touched his chest. He placed a hand on her waist. At that moment the attraction was too strong and they kissed, slow at first then passionately. She snatched his radio mic off and threw it over his shoulder. He released his belt and pulled her close and let her feel how hard his dick was. She broke the kiss to moan. He kissed her neck. She grabbed his dick and rubbed along the length of it. He firmly gripped her ass with both hands. The animal in Tony sprung out, as he spent her around and bent her over the kitchen table, he grinded his dick against her as he took off his uniform blouse and bullet proof vest. He bent down on one knee as he peeled her shorts off and noticed she didn't have any panties on.

He pushed one of her legs up on the table as she and began to eat her pussy. His tongue swirled around her pussy lips and flicked on her clit. He used the flat of his tongue to swipe from her clit to her asshole. He dick pulsed and jumped in his pants. He undid his belt, and unleashed his dick in his pants. She turned around and sat on the table and spread her legs. He continued to eat her pussy. He pressed a finger on her asshole and rubbed. She pushed against his face and finger. He flicked and flicked his tongue as she looked down mouth wide open moaning in pleasure. He came up and kissed her wildly. She took in her own juices, moaning with pleasure. She grabbed his dick with both hands as he struggled to take his shirt off.

She climbed off the table and began to suck his dick. She sucked and jerked at first then enthusiastically tried to deep throat his thick hog. Her mouth filled with spit. She backed off for air and tried again, so much saliva gathered that her mouth couldn't contain. It dripped down his shaft to his balls and from his balls back onto her. She took the side of his shaft into her mouth and ran her tongue along side spread the spit evenly over his dick.

Tony looked on in pleasure. She was a true artist and he was loving every minute of it. She used one had to grab the base of is dick behind the balls and the other jerked his dick now dripping with spit while she worked his head with her mouth. Tony grabbed her and took her in the living room and pushed her onto a brown couch that sat in front of the window. She played with her pussy as he struggled to get his boots and pants off. Tony wondered why he had strung them up so tight. When he got them off and removed his pants he walked towards her and with his dick flexing sporadically. She had two fingers shoved up her pussy dripping in her cream. She took her fingers out and shoved the into Tony's mouth.

Tony sat her on his face for a sixty-nine and they enjoyed the taste of each other, slurping and sucking on each other. Tony was on his back knees bent with his feet on the floor. She threw his legs back and took a long lick and down the shaft of his dick to his balls and his ass. Tony was shocked but never broke from eating her pussy. She moaned and began to lick his ass while working the head of his dic with his hand. He stopped to release a moan. "Shit!" Escaped his mouth in a moan of pleasure.

He felt the need to be inside of her. He rolled her off of him and smiled at her. She took off her shirt to reveal her voluptuous breast. To his surprise she wasn't wearing a bra and her tits sat perky on their own. He situated himself between her legs and ran his tongue from her belly button to her breast. Running his tongue around her nipples before taking them into his mouth.

She reached for his dick and pushed him inside of her. She let out a mixture of a moan and sigh of pleasure when he broke the threshold of her pussy. He pulled out and thrust back inside of her. This time deep, balls deep. She pulled him trying to get him deeper as she bit her lip. "Fuck!" She squealed. He began to pump inside of her. The girth of his dick touching every wall, grunting with every thrust.

The sights, sounds and smells of fucking overwhelmed them. Her body began to shake with every powerful thrust. They fucked and they fucked hard and long. The sweat dripped from both their bodies. Her fingernails dug into his back. His hands pulled her hair and when she came her body shook with ecstasy. When Tony was ready to cum she got down on her knees and sucked and jerked his dick.

He moved her hand and said, "I'm about to come." She snatched his hands away and deep throated his dick and with a greedy throat begged him to cum in her mouth and he obliged by climaxing down the back of her throat.

Their bodies collapsed on the floor as they enjoyed their sexual high. They glanced at each other and giggled like children. Both wondering what to say that wouldn't make the situation awkward.

Two weeks later, Tony was back on the gate when Regina came through.

"How much longer do you have on the gate?" Regina said smiling mischievously

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1ibg0u/duty_fuck