[f]ucking in the car because we couldn’t wait to get ho[m]e

Not all fucks are created equal, and the “home after an extended period away” fuck certainly ranks high up near the top. For some reason most of my partners/fuck buddies tend to leave the country for the holidays which means on many occasions I’ve spent the day incredibly horny while anxiously awaiting their return, usually passing the time by reading gonewildstories, writing my own and sending texts describing all the thing we would do as soon as they arrived.

My current fwb planned a month long trip home for the holidays but ended up cutting his trip short because of the latest rounds of travel restrictions. Not wanting to risk being stuck out of the country, he decided to fly home 2 weeks earlier than originally planned. While I was genuinely disappointed for him, I couldn’t deny that I was thrilled to have his cock back to fill my holes sooner than planned – the stressful weeks leading up to the holidays kicked my sex drive through the roof and I spent many restless nights wishing for someone to fuck the pain away.

A Lucky Swipe [MF] Her Version

I decided to tell my version of this story – https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rc4hmm/a_lucky_tinder_swipe_mf/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share – of my most recent encounter with a stranger on the internet. Enjoy!

Skip to **** for sexy times.

Like most people in their late 20s, Tingble (the unholy trinity of dating apps Tinder, Hinge and Bumble) has been responsible for one night stands, dirty pen pals, ghosting, bad dates and a few short lived FWB situations. While some of my friends have walked down the aisle after their match I usually end up on the walk of shame with no panties and bruises on my ass underneath last night’s clothes. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but there’s always the hope that maybe my right swipe might end up leading me to Mr. Right, or at least Mr. Right Now.

My [f]irst ti[m]e in a public sauna with a coworker

Life can be funny sometimes – you can start a new, completely average, uneventful job and meet your new coworker and then find yourself staring at their cock, naked, while sweating together in the back of a seedy public sauna 3 years later.

I have to be honest, that when I introduced myself to David on my first day of work I really didn’t think having sex in a public sauna was going to be a shared experience we would have, but here we are. I had actually worked with him years before, although not directly, and I’m pretty sure our first interaction was him coming out of his office to tell me I was being too loud while popping champagne in the kitchens (we had just delivered a gruelling project and I was absolutely not going to turn down the celebrations at his request). So finding myself on my knees in a shower with his cock in my mouth really wasn’t a thought that crossed my mind for the first several years that we knew each other. But life finds a way.