Surprise office fun [MF]

So this happened recently, and my head is still spinning.

Some back story:

I’m married and we have a couple we’re pretty good friends with. The girls used to work together, and I met Jay, the husband through socializing with them. Jay and I hang out a bit, but I wouldn’t say we’re great friends. But the girls are quite close and talk all the time. The wife, Kay, has confided with my wife that their sex life is very lacking – mainly she wants it a lot more than Jay is up for. Having said that, there’s never been any hint of flirting or any sexual tension between me and Kay.

So last week, my wife calls me at work and tells me that Kay has some awful virus or something on her laptop, and with me being the tech savvy one in the group, she wants to know if I can get rid of it. I tell her to just bring it over to the house tonight and I’ll take a look. But no, Kay is panicky and wants to bring it to my office right away. Okay, no problem, tell her to come on over. It’s close to quitting time and I’m not doing all that much anyway. Worth mentioning at this point that I work in a small firm and have a very private office and everyone else was already gone for the day.