My [M] night with the redheaded milf who squirts

Recently I got out the Navy and was encouraged to share some of my stories so here we go. Forgive me if there is too much detail, this is the first time I have ever typed up one of these stories and . For starters I’m 6 foot, in pretty good shape thanks to a good gym routine but countered by eating like shit, have been told I’m above average in size, and am witty enough to make people laugh and get myself into trouble. At the time I had light brown eyes and hazel eyes that women seem to love.

When I joined up I was dating a girl but when I got to Pensacola for school it went south. She says it was the distance but personally I think it was her sleeping with a few of her coworkers that killed the relationship. Agree to disagree. The following weeks I spent all my free time either in the gym or drinking trying to keep my mind busy.