The birthday surprise pt1 (M30/F30 solo crossdressing)

Another long commute, another long dull day of shuffling papers and answering emails. It had been an exceptional lull between holidays and the grind was really beginning to take it’s toll.

The universe appeared unsympathetic today. The morning started off crisp, dew on the grass, birds singing. The sun rising slowly on the horizon filled the sky with color and promised, I thought, that today would be a good day.

But by the time I was finally able to get to my car after many tedious hours, a dreary gray sky had settled in. Rain fell and stopped, then fell again. The wet roads had slowed traffic. An accident hours earlier closed a lane on the highway. And people, being the brooding apes that we are, continued to pile into the que hoping the jam would clear just for us.

Today felt especially long, it’s my birthday today. My wife and I have been so busy for the last long while we haven’t had time to plan anything like we usually do. On top of everything else, she has to work tonight. A VIP client was visiting from another branch and she wouldn’t be home until late.