Center of Attention [MFM-MFF-Group | 30s-40s | Exhibition]

Your eyes are closed. You feel him against your back, the blindfold being placed over your eyes. The silky smoothness against your face. A double wrap – maybe it’s not supposed to come off this time! He ties it, then steps away. You’re sure he’s looking at you, you can feel his gaze.

He touches your hand, “Now, follow me.”

You place your hand in his hand and walk behind. Although blindfolded, you feel where you are going. Into the hallway, then the kitchen. Then he guides you into the living room, nudging you gently so you don’t bump the door frame or run into the couch.

He stops you in the middle of the room.

“Are you ready?” he asks. You can feel the excitement. What’s the surprise?

“Yes?” you answer tentatively.

You feel his hands tug at your shirt, pulling it out of your waistband. It comes easily. Then the top button… The warm air from the fire hits your chest as the shirt starts to fall open. That’s when you hear crackling in the fire place behind you. That means you are facing the kitchen…

Just a Wednesday afternoon [M40/F40]

I remember the time…

It had been a long day. But hey, it was hump day, so at least the week was looking up.

You pulled in the driveway, and walked to the door. It’s funny, you never even check the door, just assume it’s locked and put the key in. You know, I HAD left it wide open for you.

You opened the door and walked in. I was prepped – I had been waiting since you pulled in the driveway. You pushed the door closed behind you and took a step towards the kitchen.

SLAM! Your body hit the wall. Not hard, but shockingly fast. You yelped, dropping your bag and flailing, trying to react. In a dark voice yelled, “QUIET!” and pressed an arm against your back, holding you flat. That made you freeze. That wasn’t a voice you recognized – and your reaction was priceless. Your limbs went stiff and I could tell your mind was racing…

Home Early (M40/F40)

Sorry for the repost – removed for lack of ages in the title.


As I walk in the door after a long week away at work, I find the house barren. No one at the door to greet me. A very different scene from the typical rush of kids yelling “daddy’s home, daddy’s home!!!” I know you said you had arranged to leave the kids at your parents house so we could have the night alone, but I expected you home much sooner than this. As I walk through the house, depositing my luggage on various floors, unmotivated to store it properly, I notice some of the lights on. Listening, I hear voices. No, maybe just one voice. Maybe the television. I follow the sound to the kitchen. You are standing at the sink, with the phone tucked on your shoulder. Wearing a gorgeous red knee-length dress. You appear to be making dinner. But, this late? I glance into the dining room. The table is set for two, and there are candles already burning. I can smell them from here. Lily of the Valley… What’s the perfume? Durissimo? Hmmm.. No, Jessica McClintock? MMMmmmm…. You know what that does to me! Well, yes, obviously, that’s the point.

Just a massage (MF)

I lay on the table, face down, naked as the day I was born! A towel between me and the table, and another over my body. The room is a little warm, but it’s just right in this condition.

My nerves are getting tense, waiting. What if someone else walks in? But then I hear him. Walking slowly, each stair creaking as he comes up. As he approaches, this is a whole different kind of nervous! Just the anticipation is making me wet, my hips starting to squirm on their own. I wish he would just start already, then I could relax.

“The usual?” he says in his soothing voice. How I love hearing that voice. But it’s so much sexier when his hands are on me.

“Of course! You can’t improve on perfection.”

He looks at me and says, “There’s ALWAYS room for improvement with what I do. Someone can always feel better.”

As I put my head back in the pillowed headrest, face down, I say, “Well, let’s see if you can improve, then! After last time, I was relaxed all week.”

New Friends (MFMF)

“Why are you taking a shower? We’re about to get in the hot tub.”

You reply, “I have to be clean when they get here. It’s been so long, I want to look my best!”

As always, you’re right. Maybe I should join you… We do have an hour before they arrive! I check the kabobs to make sure they are marinated well, then check the cooler to make sure it is filled and cold. Everything’s perfect. I hear the shower start, and figure I’ll give you a minute, then join you. I pour a glass of white wine for us to share, and come to the bathroom just in time to see your leg disappear into the shower. Very enticing!

I remove my clothes and slide the shower door open. I watch for a second as the water cascades over your body. Your eyes are closed as you enjoy the jets of water pulsating into your scalp, massaging your head. The river of water rolling down your hair and onto your chest, around your breasts, and over your abdomen. The water then gently rolls over your pelvis and down the inside of your legs. Oh, how I would love to be a drop of water right now, sliding across your skin. Feeling each inch as I cascade down your body…

Home early!

As I walk in the door after a long week away at work, I find the house barren. No one at the door to greet me. A very different scene from the typical rush of kids yelling “daddy’s home, daddy’s home!!!” I know you said you had arranged to leave the kids at your parents house so we could have the night alone, but I expected you home much sooner than this. As I walk through the house, depositing my luggage on various floors, unmotivated to store it properly, I notice some of the lights on. Listening, I hear voices. No, maybe just one voice. Maybe the television. I follow the sound to the kitchen. You are standing at the sink, with the phone tucked on your shoulder. Wearing a gorgeous red knee-length dress. You appear to be making dinner. But, this late? I glance into the dining room. The table is set for two, and there are candles already burning. I can smell them from here. Lily of the Valley… What’s the perfume? Durissimo? Hmmm.. No, Jessica McClintock? MMMmmmm…. You know what that does to me! Well, yes, obviously, that’s the point.

She takes charge

A man is sitting on the couch, leaning back naked, legs slightly spread, two fingers slowly sliding up and down his half-hard cock. He is looking towards the doorway, watching.

A woman strolls through the doorway wearing a multi-colored silk robe . It hung open a little, showing some cleavage but covering her nipples. The opening followed down her abdomen and exposed her just a little of her womanhood, stopping at the top of her things, her shapely legs completely uncovered.

She reaches both hands up to her shoulders, sliding the robe off of her shoulders and down to her elbows, closing it around her body as she slowly turns – her curvy hips swaying as she turns half way around and then looks back over her shoulder with a wicked smile.

“Do you like my new robe?!” she said.

His eyes glued to her, looking up and down, he takes a deep breath, his chest broadening, his fingers slowing on his cock as his hips press down into the couch. He grins widely, and replies, “It’s beautiful, like you. The only thing that would make it better is if were crumpled up on the floor!”