Amanda – The Girl Who Sat Beside Me In Class [Final Chapter] [MF]

**Final Chapter**

used my left hand to gently pry her leg outwards, without further ado, Amanda’s pussy was presented to me in all her glory. I slowly pushed my middle finger into her slut hole hoping to catch the g-spot in one try, shockingly, this little naughty bitch was already wet. I took the opportunity to slip my other finger in, and elevated them skilfully in a slow but forceful motion repeatedly until she released a soft gasp, and moan.

Amanda opened her eyes, looked at me but was paralyzed with pleasure. She held onto my wrist with very minimal strength as if asking me to stop just to showcase her righteousness. We locked eyes again, this time, I laid forward with my mouth very close to her ears and whispered:

Ronny: “*It’s okay, just enjoy it. You’ve been very tired.*”

Amanda shook her head and said:

Amanda: “*I want you in me…*”

Amanda – The Girl Who Sat Beside Me In Class [Chapter 2] [MF]

**Chapter 2**

Amanda: “*Ronny, our report is due in less than 7 days, the first draft was rejected. We need to start over again*!”

Ronny: “*First draft rejected? That bitch! How are we going to finish everything in such a short timeframe?”*

Amanda: “*We need to meet tomorrow to settle this.*”

Ronny: “*Tomorrow? Where’s good for you?*”

Amanda: “*My place, 7:00 PM?*”

Ronny: “*Okay…*”

Amanda is crowned as our school nerd, she is that girl who takes the number one position every semester. Whenever it is results day, no one gets a prize for guessing who the top scorer will be.

Somehow, Amanda would always end up sitting beside me in class because we both like to camp at the back row. I strategically positioned myself there so that I can steal a nap or two in hope of not being caught. For her, I don’t know, maybe she’s just shy being in front.

This girl has got brown-shoulder length hair with a face determined by a black framed spectacle. Her outfit never fails to be a combination of some short sleeve shirt paired with a skirt that has got a “not-so-exciting” length. Standing at only 1.6 meters tall, there is nothing physically attractive about her, Carin is way hotter.

Amanda – The Girl Who Sat Beside Me In Class [Chapter 1] [MF]

**Chapter 1**

I heard a loud *bang*, and got shaken out of my slumber. In an instant, a choir of laughter was harmonizing to Ms. Jeslyn’s inhumane act of smashing a 3-inch thick Business Management textbook on my table because I took a self-rewarded afternoon nap while she was teaching.

Can’t blame me, the air-conditioner was doing a great job in making a warm day feel like paradise!

Ms. Jeslyn gave me a death stare, calmed the class down, and continued with her boring rant about why Customer Relationship Management is so important for a business to survive in today’s era of globalization.

This lecturer is a 29-year-old academic high flyer, she topped her cohort while studying at the University of London. Upon graduating, she was offered a position in a prestigious law firm to become their business development executive, earmarked to sit among the c-suites.

Her ideals were more important compared to fame and money, as a result, she landed herself in this government polytechnic as a head of the business administration faculty.