[MF] in memoriam

_content warning: death, explicit drug use_

We met because her friend broke the rules of another subreddit. Her first pickup was the best meth SoCal had seen in months; I drove to the SGV to get it and nearly didn’t make our appointment, so fucking stuck I was.

A: Wya

T: Google sez 12mins

A: kk

T: Your car or mine? Literally my first time doing this btw

A: Mine

She was impatient, taciturn, and smoking hot. I was apologetically social; I _warned_ her that this was probably more than she was used to and to be careful… and then I asked if she wanted to have sex. I broke every commandment in the plug’s bible.

After she sped off, alloy wheels throwing rocks every which way, I stayed in my car in the empty lot, stuck on homemade threesomes involving petite blonde MILFs.

A: Oh. Eyes more open, mind more awake then the yawn of comfort. This shit is *good.* I’m weird, but it makes me comfortable?

She liked to be watched. [MF][M]

First semester of university was a big culture shock, and I was relieved to be going home, 90 miles away from school, for Thanksgiving break. There’d been a cold snap, and the few leaves still clutching to tree branches flared scarlet in the headlights’ beams as my father drove me through my hometown back to the house.

After family hugs, kisses, questions and answers, I made my excuses and headed downstairs to my old stomping grounds. My hand flipped on the rumpus room lights, picked up the cordless phone, and dialed my best friend’s number without any conscious effort or memory on my part.

“Hey man, glad you’re back!” Jay drawled in my ear. “Come on over at ten, we gotta go out tonight. Bring your car, ‘cause Roxanne is in the shop.” Roxanne was his red 1991 Pontiac Firebird that had replaced Betsy, his green 1978 Oldsmobile Cutlass, early in his senior year. I hadn’t been allowed to take my car to school as a freshman. He’d been roaring around town in bucket seats, scraping by in basic courses, while I’d been grappling with distant lecture halls, weed-out organic chemistry, and a student body that had two women for every man—none of them interested in me.

Sunrise surprise [M][FM][F] [Voyeur]

The week between finals and graduation, a bunch of us poor college students pooled our work-study cash and rented a beach house for a week. It was technically the off-season still, so it didn’t cost us arms and legs. The house had five luxurious bedrooms, gorgeous Atlantic views, and a hot tub. We decided we would invite a shit-ton of people who *didn’t* pay and basically had a week-long bacchanalia.

Lots of firsts for me on that trip. My first public nudity showed my friends just how big my penis is (7 inches and girthy, nothing special). I mixed alcohol and weed for the first time and wandered at high speed through the house onto the beach like I was in the computer game Quake 3. I turned down my first threesome invitation from her because he wasn’t into it and I knew they’d get married someday, and I didn’t want to be a source of pain in their future. And I witnessed friends fucking for the first time.