[M] Jacked At A Bar

Before the pandemic changed our work environments, especially the occasional happy hour, I went out for a mid-week get together with teammates. Nothing typical and no real flirting, just venting about management, passive-aggressive emails, and scheming for promotions. A few hours into it we were all hopped up on liquor and beer one of the women I started with knocked my drink into my lap, specifically the crotch. Everyone moved back and I rushed to get a napkin or two so my pants didn’t stain. She beat me to it and started blotting my mid and upper thighs.

While I had no intentions, my cock started to get hard in my pants. After two or three quick stokes of my leg, I was trying to encourage her to stop, I became erect and she felt the shaft press against her hand. She looked up and, what seemed like forever, we glanced at one another – me in embarrassment, her in intrigue.

I [M] Watched in Hotel

Prior to COVID, I would occasionally travel for business. Typically, this was the only time I had to myself so I would generally get comfortable in my room once I settled in. By comfortable, I would get naked and consider doing things I would normally be shy about at home or with people who knew me.

This one trip I was really enjoying myself. The room wasn’t anything special but it was nice. The most unique feature were the windows. Typically, most hotels just have a pane of glass that’s flush against the wall. This room, and the hotel for that matter, was designed where it was almost like a Bay window. So, you could stand in the window and be visible from all three sides – same with the neighboring rooms.

I was watching porn and stroking my cock when I decided to take a risk and stand in the window to look out the window briefly. I was hard but slowed my stroking down to just look. Nobody’s lights were on as it was very late at night (somewhere between 1 and 2 am). So, I felt as though it was unlikely I would be seen. I continued to stroke long and hard and all of a sudden the lights in the room next to me came on.