[F]estival Fun with Cew Ca[M]p Friends

I love going to festivals. Dressing up in sexy outfits and letting go was a favorite release for me. A group of girlfriends and I had all bought 3 day music festival tickets with a camping pass. I go to alot of festivals and this one was close by so we went to it every year since moving to DC. I had my camping kit which consisted of a tent, sleeping bag, bunch of premade sandwiches and a gallon of water. My friend driving with me brought nothing but weed and molly while depending on me for everything else.

We waited in line like everyone else on the first day to park and find a camping spot. The other girls were only coming for the last night so we would save space for them and meet up later. We setup our tent which was a nice 5 person next to an encampment of another group all facing inward to each other. There were some cute guys in the group but they had left the campground before we did.