Temptation [MF]

They agreed to one rule for the day: Directly stimulating the other was off the table. First to break the rule loses. The thought of the prize never crossed their minds. Teasing, touching, all things physical were otherwise fine.

He struck first, while they crossed each other in the hall. He grabbed her by the shoulders from behind and pushed her into the hall. She grunted lightly against the strain before biting her lip in anticipation. Pressed and held still, she let him do as he pleased.

His hands started innocent, strong fingers kneading at knots and sore muscles at the base of the scalp, down the neck, and stopping at the shoulder bones. She enjoyed melting at his touch anywhere on her body, but particularly enjoyed him massaging the her shoulders.

His right hand slowly grew into a firmer grip on her shoulder while his left trailed light fingers down her spine until he shifted it to the front, tightly grasping her hip bone. She let out a gasp at the squeeze and tightened her thighs together.

Categorized as Erotica

What’s smut got to do with it? [FM] [Bondage]

The last piece of clothing he places on her is a blindfold to cover her eyes. Of course, calling the rope and ties binding her in place ‘clothes’ is a quite poor definition.  His hands gently caressed her shapely rear, fingers teasing edges and nearing spots, easily earning whimpers and moans from the restrained beauty below him. 

With a sudden stop of contact, she was left with only the tight bindings and the leak starting to form between her legs. She attempted to move against the restraints but found it futile. Instead, her efforts earned a solid smack against her cheek. Nothing covered her mouth and so she let out a loud gasp of pain. Quickly she arched back into it, eager for more. He repeated the motion, earning more noises of both pain and pleasure, until she collapsed.  

He paused and gave her a moment to catch her breath before moving behind her. With a hand in her hair, he pulled her head back before leaning forward and nibbling on her exposed neck. Little moans escaped her parted lips and she wiggled backwards towards his waist. She felt him hard against her. He moved a hand to her waist and the other to her breast as he lined up with her entrance. 

How do you deal?

You weren’t sure what brought you to the door.  Of course, you knew what drew you to look, the feeling that made you search.  That ache you wanted sated, and also the ache to ache.  He offered your salvation in a deal, you only had to offer one thing.  You reached up to knock, your hand almost touching the door when it swung open.  Off-balance, you falter forward before he catches your hand.

The prim and proper persona poised presently stirred something inside you.  This was not that familiar ache of desire.  He smiled slightly too wide, with slightly too much teeth.  The emotion swallowing you whole was fear.  Despite natural evolution, or maybe because of it, this made him all the more alluring.

Kind words enter your ears and lift your spirits.  He plays to your inner depravities, promising things you’ve only dreamed of.  Mild distraction and you notice the tools of his trade proudly displayed on his walls.  The thought leaves your mind as quickly as it entered as his words quickly captivate you again.