[MMF] Sensual cuckolding and our first steps into the kink.

*Have you ever asked your bitch for other bitches?* is what Kanye asks in one of his song. But have you ever asked for girlfriend to have sex with another man while you watch and potentially perform some semi-humiliating actions afterwards? Probably not. Cuckolding is a totally accepted kink nowadays, but it’s still a weird one to tell someone that you have.

For me and Mia it came naturally. I got the fetish from porn, from reading about it and from somehow weirdly being dragged towards it by my mind, fantasizing about it. Much, so much that there were evenings where I caught myself after cumming, that I had been thinking about her with other men for hours on end now. A few months earlier we had moved to different cities, because of University. Our emotional and sexual needs had kicked in, and seeing each other one weekend a month turned out to be not as much as we thought it would be. While we managed the emotional needs, the sexual needs were something that made us both very tense at time. We had no idea how to fix that, and toys didn’t help her after some time. So combine that with my new found fetish, it was a welcome surprise for her that I told her that I might be okay with her sleeping with someone else, if I got to watch at first. I can tell the story of how we straightened out the details in PMs, if you want to. It’s not much of a sexual story, but it’s very important for people that are into the kink. Anyway, that is how we met Derek.