My [F] partner [M] showed me off to his family over zoom.

Just a tiny bit of background before story time: so my partner (Ian) has two siblings, a sister and a brother. Let’s call them Julia and Liam. Julia and Liam are both married – Julia’s husband is Brian, Liam’s wife is Alice.

A couple days ago we decided that evening we would get together (over the internet I mean) to play some games, something we had done a couple times since the lockdown started. Ian is pretty close to his siblings, especially his brother and I have always gotten along with them well so we were both looking forward to our game night.

A couple hours before we were set to play, I was working out in the living room in my standard workout outfit of booty shorts and a sports bra. I had just about finished and was chugging some water when Ian came behind me and smacked my ass playfully.

‘Goddamn I love those shorts’ he said, letting his hands linger and trying to sneak his fingers up the hem. I laughed at him and attempted to pull away but he snuck his hands around my waist and began to lightly kiss my neck. I shivered at his cool breath on my warm skin and felt my nipples begin to harden.

My bf caught me [F] playing with the neighbour [M] and punished me for it *update*

So here’s the update on my neighbour situation, please check out my other posts to find out how this whole thing started if you’re interested!!

I have been trying to avoid Daniel since we fucked in his garage. It hasn’t been that hard to do; just keeping the blinds closed and staying inside, especially when I wake up early in the mornings. There have been a couple of days that I’ve thought I saw his shadow pass behind the blinds, but I couldn’t have been sure and I didn’t check.

The day after he bent me over his car, I wanted to see him again. Feel him again. I woke up thinking about his big hand pressing me down against the hood against the hood as he had his way with me. Each time I thought a shadow passed the window my heart jumped into my chest and my pussy pulsed, but I resisted checking, resisted going outside. I just fingered myself furiously on the couch, my eyes locked on the window, searching for a hint of him through the closed blinds. As the days and weeks passed I thought about him less, but I still kept the blinds closed.

UPDATE: Ran into my [F] Neighbour [M] Outside and he Showed me his Garage…

I’ve been debating sharing this update, but I don’t think I can resist writing about it… I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it so maybe this will help. A little background: one morning a week or so ago, my neighbour looked in my living room window and caught me touching myself. The full story is in a previous post of mine, if you’re curious about how this whole thing started.

Today I woke up early again. No particular reason; I had stayed quiet and still in bed for a few minutes trying to figure out if something had woken me, but I heard nothing except Ian’s gently breathing. I checked my phone. 9:00am. Early, too early really, but I felt awake. I rose from the bed and dressed as quietly as I could, replacing the short pyjama shorts and baggy t I usually slept in with my favourite black leggings and a loose black hooded sweatshirt. Pulling my wild morning hair out from the neckhole of the sweater, I snagged a pair of socks for my cold feet and then I slipped into the hall, closing the bedroom door behind me.

What Happens in the Industrial Mall Elevator, Stays in the Industrial Mall Elevator.. [MF]

If you’ve read any of my other stories, then you’ve probably heard me mention my partner, Ian. This is the story of how we met, years ago now, when I was still in school. I was working part-time at a bookstore in the mall, in the merchandising department. Merchandising suited me; it satisfied my desire for maintaining aesthetic order and minimized my interactions with demanding customers. I spent hours each shift, often early in the morning or late at night, in the back rooms, unpacking and organizing the merchandise. I didn’t mind that either, the mall was quiet then and I could listen to my own music as I unpacked books and generally mind my own business. Plus, I had never really had a problem with early mornings. Overall, I liked the job a lot; I loved the bookstore environment and my quirky coworkers, and I didn’t hate that, thanks to the physical element of it (lifting boxes of books all day), my arms were looking nicer than they ever had before.

My first time being shared [MMF]

I wanted to share one of my favourite memories, it happened years ago now but it’s something I think about more often than I’d care to admit; especially now that I’m trapped inside and have endless time to relive everything. It was a summer night and the air outside was thick and hot but it was comfortable enough in the apartment with all the fans on. I was sitting in bed, reading, when my boyfriend and his best friend came stumbling into the apartment. They were loud, way too loud, which meant, I realized with a grin, that they were also definitely wasted. If I had been asleep they would have woken me, but at the sound of their laughter all thoughts of sleep left my head and I carefully folded the corner to mark the page before closing my book and swinging my legs over the side of the bed, bracing my feet for contact with the floor. I was wearing a pair of ratty plaid pajama shorts that I always slept in and a baggy black t-shirt, and for a minute I considered changing before leaving the bedroom, knowing that my asscheeks were doing a little more than peeking out of my shorts… but after three years of knowing him, it wasn’t anything Tyler hadn’t seen before, and I doubted either man would complain. Ian had left to meet Tyler maybe five, six hours ago to go watch… hockey? Wrestling? I couldn’t remember and felt truly indifferent, but I hadn’t seen Tyler since he’d moved out of the city a couple months ago, and I knew in their current state the boys would be fun company. Despite choosing to stay in initially, I now felt quite up for some entertainment after a quiet evening alone in the apartment.

My [F] neighbour [M] caught me and I liked it.

My hands are shaking as I write this, I thought I had managed to calm down enough to write, but just thinking about what happened this morning is making my heart race all over again. I had thought about it so much, but I had never thought it would ever actually happen. It was a fantasy, and I was okay with it has a fantasy… but I think I liked it in real life more. I just have to get this out quickly before I forget all the details, so sorry in advance for spelling/grammar.

Since we moved into this basement apartment we have always been aware of the possibility of someone seeing us through the windows, which sit just above ground level. My partner is obsessed with keeping the blinds closed, but it’s dark down here and he is rarely up early in the morning with me anyhow, so often when I wake up I will open the blinds and let some light in for me and the plants. After the first couple of months without encountering anyone at the window, I got increasingly comfortable in front of it. I would walk past the open window, completely naked, on my way to or from the shower, or lounge on the couch in nothing but my underwear and a sports bra. Sometimes I’d catch myself thinking that I wouldn’t mind if someone saw me… I liked the idea of surprising someone walking by the house, unexpectedly looking in and seeing my exposed skin. I thought about what they would think, if they would stop and try to see more. I liked the risk of flashing mixed with the comfort of safety of being in my own home.

I [F] got into trouble with my co-worker [M] the night before corona shut us down.

This happened to me just a month or so ago, right before the virus shut down all the bars and restaurants, when covid-19 was still viewed as a distant threat that was barely on my radar that night. Cameron and I had been working together for a few months at this point, and on that particular Saturday we were closing together. We had worked many long shifts in the kitchen side by side over the previous months and had gradually become friends, bonding over a shared love of music, tattoos and partying, as well as mutual respect and understanding when it came to the daily work – cooking. He was a cool guy, and I had always thought we had a bit of chemistry, we would occasionally tease and flirt with each other at work, but I had always considered it to be harmless – we both had partners after all. Besides that, I didn’t really consider him my type aesthetically (although he had a look that I knew lots of women found appealing), and I am sure he felt the same, considering his live-in girlfriend was the physical opposite of me, a terrifying blonde with flawless hair, impeccable style, and enormous tits.