[MF] An old friend gets out of jail

This is a true story, though the names have been changed to protect the guilty.

This story is about my friend K. K and I have been friends for years.
Before weed was legal in my state, K was my dealer. She dealt other
stuff too, which I wasn’t into, but which got her into a lot of trouble.
Specifically, she got busted and was in jail when they finally legalized
it. Tough break for her. I don’t know if she was into anything worse
than that. All I knew about was the drugs. We kept in touch with the
occasional letter, she was extremely lonely and depressed since all of her
friends slowly lost touch and dropped off. I didn’t mind writing and actually
I was pretty happy to have a friend in jail in a perverse way, since my
friends are pretty straight laced boring yuppie types. Yes, and so am I.
I didn’t mind hearing about the other girls she was dating in jail, and
the drama that ensued.

Of course after she was released on parole, I invited her over.