DEEP CLEANING AT THE BEACH HOUSE: INTRO (MF)(divorce)(discovery)(huge cock)(tight pussy)(gushing)(exibition)(fantasy)(1st time writing, constructive feedback needed)

It was now their beach. They certainly didn’t own it and they certainly didn’t get to have it all to themselves, but it was all theirs. There might as well have been no else around, because to them, each other were the only people that mattered. There were dozens upon dozens of other beach goers swarming the area of the pier, but none of them would be enough to stop them from taking full advantage of each other. The planets had aligned and they were finally given a full week of true alone time. They were free from work, children, drama, and the constant chaos brought on by their exes trying to ruin them. Heather and Aaron were simply in heat for each other, wanting nothing more than the opportunity to explore their renewed sexual energy and push each other’s physical limits without any obstructions.

They stood momentarily atop the wooden stairs of the dune walkover, assessing what might be the best place for them to get some minimal privacy along the beach. Heather took a few steps down and continued to scan for a less crowded spot, but saw nothing ideal. Aaron looked down at his beautiful lover’s freckled chest gleaming between her cleavage. He had already begun imagining her without her bikini top on and her breasts gently rocking in the bright sunlight. She could sense where his attention was and proceeded to reach up to cup Aaron’s already visible bulge.

DEEP CLEANING AT THE BEACH HOUSE: PART 2 [Mdom, Fsub][Big vs Tight][Gushing][Lust]

(Part two of real encounters between my wife and I. Its my first time writing about them and we would love to hear some honest feedback! Thanks for reading and commenting!)

Aaron wandered into the bedroom at the front of the bungalow and slid on a pair of loose-fitting, white polyester shorts without putting on any underwear. He could still feel his cock tingling from his orgasm minutes earlier. He headed back towards the kitchen and paused along the way to watch Heather finish drying off. Heather eyeballed the outline of his soft cock in the shorts and showed off her naked body to him with some playful dancing.

“Ugh, all I want to do is get another taste of that body,” he yelled as he walked away to the kitchen,” but I’ll make us a late lunch for now, haha. I’ll bring it out to the porch so we can eat under the rain.”

DEEP CLEANING AT THE BEACH HOUSE {Mdom, Fswitch}{Shower}{Anal}{Rough}{Discovery}

(First time writing, mostly looking to just share for fun and also get some honest feedback on the overall writing. This is a real encounter, written with a slight male-perspective slant. My new wife and I love talking and reminiscing about our many wild sexual experiences together, so i thought I’d finally put some in type, with some input from her included. This is one section from a larger story, so there may be a couple details that might seem out of context. Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy it as much as we did experiencing it ha)::