My [M] virgin Asian coworker [F] Part 3: From virgin to cumslut

This is part 3 about the sexual awakening of my virgin coworker.  Another pic is below – she loves that you’re all looking at her naked body.

This is less of a story and more of an update of how far she’s come in the 9 months since she lost her virginity.  As we’ve continued to sleep together and explore things, she’s really come out of her shell and gotten more confident.  It’s reflected in how she dresses now – more dresses and heels, and even a little makeup sometimes.  She’s gone on a few dates with other guys too.  I should say upfront, she’s just starting to explore her sexuality and I’m not going to try to lock her up and keep her all to myself.  I see my role in this relationship as giving her love and support as she figures out who she is and what she wants.  She started calling me Teacher, and that’s kind of how I see myself – as her sexual tutor. 

My [M] virgin Asian coworker [F] Part 2: What to do when it won’t fit

This is a continuation of the real story about the sexual awakening of my virgin coworker. Another pic is below.

Picking up where I left off, my coworker came over that same night. She told me that the night before she hadn’t wanted to take her pants off because she was embarrassed about her bush.  But now she was waxed for the first time in her life.

Later on I came to learn she grew up in a very conservative house, and her parents still forbid her from dating even though she was in her mid-20s and lived on her own.  They said once she went back to graduate school and had a real career (more than just an office assistant) she could date and get married.  But she finally decided she had enough, although she didn’t tell them that. She was ready for her first time, and I was in the right place at the right time. 

My [M] virgin Asian coworker [F] Part 1: First kiss leads to cum on her face

I’m in my mid-30s and work in a corporate office job.  A few years ago, shortly before the pandemic, a new assistant joined our team.  She was a quiet, fresh-out-of-college Asian girl (a pic of her is below).  I didn’t really think anything of her at first – she was very good at her job but not particularly noticeable.  She was tiny, with long black hair, and wore big glasses, loose fitting clothing, and never any makeup.  And she very much had “don’t take up space” energy.  In other words, she was the kind of person who always tried to keep herself to the background.

All that changed at the beginning of this year when we returned to the office full time.  She started stopping by my office to chat all the time.  I knew she lived alone and guessed she must have been lonely during the pandemic, but I also got the hint that she had a crush on me, which was why she singled me out in particular.  And before I knew it I found myself attracted to her too.  She went out of her way to downplay it, but she was actually pretty cute when you took the time to notice her.  We hung out after work a few times.  One day she shocked me by asking if I wanted to get a drink – it was known around the office that she didn’t drink alcohol.  But we went to a bar and she tasted the first beer of her life.  She would experience many more firsts with me over the next few months.