Airport 2 – The Shiner [BDSM][Mf][Mdom][Humiliation][Mental Domination][Faux Abuse][Love Story][English]

Airport 2 – The Shiner

^((Tom – English))

^((Tess – an American abroad))

Tess and I were insane by this time. Constantly pushing each other. Deeper, darker. I think this was the darkest of our idiotic ideas. At times it felt like we were going to hell in a hand cart. Except we’d got carried away and set fire to our own hand cart. Leaving us having to hitchhike from the outskirts of Hades. I was in a Tess induced psychosis and the only thing I wanted or needed was more Tess.

Neither of us ever slept through the night. Waking up at 3am was one of many quirks which made us fit so well.”Psst, you awake?”

“Yes, Tom.” That voice lights me up, every time I hear it. We’d spend the next few minutes talking and ‘not-fucking’.

Not-fucking is by far the most vanilla thing we do, and it’s beautiful. I slide inside her, and we chat. We barely rock and neither of us gets anywhere near an orgasm. It’s just a moment in the night. A closeness. We couple. Gwynneth would be proud. The first time, after a couple of minutes I told Tess she ought to go back to sleep. She laughed and said “I will, Tom. As soon as you’re done not fucking me.”

Heather the Churchy Cunt [BDSM][MFf][Mdom][Humiliation][Submission][Love Story]

Heather the Churchy Cunt

^((Tom – English))

^((Heather – very English))

^((Tess – an American, abroad))

Tess and I had been seeing each other for a while. Things had been crazy from the start. We weren’t just lovesick idiots, we really were idiots. We were, and still are, throwing petrol on each other’s fire. After several months of playing wonderful, filthy, kinky games together Tess told me she wanted to take things deeper.

“Tarm?” She began and that was it, I was lost. She could be asking if I’d collect some shopping on the way home. Telling me she was making a cup of tea. Or explaining why she’d decapitated the 45th president of the United States. As soon as I hear “Tarm?” I fall into a reverie all my own. Tess told me she wanted to go deeper into submission. To submit further to my will. To experience a greater loss of control and increased humiliation. I think her exact words were “Tarm?”

“Yes, Tess.”

“You know I’ve always loved that fucked up shit. I want more. Please!” When it’s put so eloquently, what’s a chap to do?