A Catian’s Dream Chapter 1 (Part 2) [Fantasy][Sci-fi]


Part 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c6tyrk/a_catians_dream_chapter_1_part_1_fantasyscifi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c6tyrk/a_catians_dream_chapter_1_part_1_fantasyscifi/)

Jon’s hands slithered up her spine, pulling the Catian tighter to him as he felt the warmth of her skin and the shiver that clutched her as he touched her. Felicia held his head in her hands, lowering again and again to kiss and lick his face and lips. She frenched him deeply, her red hair falling onto his face as she gave him a taste of herself on his tongue. She smelled like lavender.

Her eyes peeked open and she stared down at him, her pupils visibly dilating as she tried to take the whole of him within her visual spectrum. Jon let out a low chuckle in his mouth. Their tongues intertwined as he got his first sense of a Catian’s kissing prowess. She was damn good at it.

Felicia sucked upon his lower lip and nibbled upon it, her furry tail thrashing about in a chaotic blast of energy as its owner finally let loose the full extent of her desire. Jon’s fingers tickled the back of her neck, running through the burst of red that was her hair before taking one of her cat’s ears between his thumb and forefinger, scratching at it affectionately and causing its owner to let out a low moan into his mouth.

A Catian’s Dream Chapter 1 (Part 1) [Fantasy][Sci-fi]


Part 2: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c6tzdq/a_catians_dream_chapter_1_part_2_fantasyscifi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c6tzdq/a_catians_dream_chapter_1_part_2_fantasyscifi/)

*Author’s Note:*

Hello there, folks! I decided to post my side-story in the *Halfbreed* Universe set about 2,500 years before the main story, depicting the first intergalactic interspecies relationship between Humans and the species that helped to uplift them: the Catians! I hope you enjoy it, this story gets steamy.

I am an erotica writer who has been active in the scene for several years on site like Literotica, HentaiFoundry, etc. A friend turned me on to this reddit as a potential place to post my ongoing novel series so I figured I’d post it here! If you’re interested after you’ve read the chapter feel free to check out my Patreon.


“So what do you think?” Felicia asked, flashing him a sultry smile that on Earth would have looked at home on the cover of a cheesy romance novel. For a Catian it merely looked like she was trying to make conversation.

“Of what?” Jon Koller asked, attempting to keep his vision glued to the desk and the ever growing heap of papers beneath him.

Halfbreed Ch. 05 (Part 1) [M/F erotic romance]


**DISCLAIMER**: I am posting the *entirety* of the first book when it is finished, any pay you give to my Patreon is for extra content: lore releases, early chapter releases, etc. None of the story itself is in any way gated or unreadable (though you might have to wait a month to see it!)

Mike awoke the next morning without an Elf in his arms.

His eyes flickered open, his limbs stretching out atop the mattress as he blindly groped for the warm touch of the person lying next to him. His fingers played across the empty space where Allynna should have been, his conscious mind rising to the fore as he realized she wasn’t there. A thread of panic struck, as he wondered for a moment if it had all been just a wonderful dream. He rustled the bedsheets, looking around to confirm that he was, in fact awake.

She had fallen asleep in his arms. The thought alone brought a smile to his face. The sheets where she had lain were pushed aside, the slight indent of her slender form still etched upon the bed. Mike yawned and peered around the room; he realized with a start that the night before had not been mere fantasy.

Halfbreed Ch. 04 (Part 2) [M/F erotic romance]

**DISCLAIMER**: I am posting the *entirety* of the first book when it is finished, any pay you give to my Patreon is for extra content: lore releases, early chapter releases, etc. None of the story itself is in any way gated or unreadable (though you might have to wait a month to see it!)

It was dark in the holding cell; cold and uncomfortable. A sliver of silvery moonlight filtered in through a narrow window near the ceiling at the back of the room, illuminating the bed but keeping the rest of the room in perpetual darkness.

Mike woke up several times over the course of the night, thwarted by the lack of central heating in the room and his own, innate stubbornness. Each time he arose from the bonds of sleep at the foot of the bed he would simply turn over, pull his beloved jacket closer about his chest and huddle into himself. He passed several hours like this, drifting between the waking realm and the sleeping one as his discomfort warred with his weariness.

Halfbreed Ch. 04 (Part 1) [M/F erotic romance]

**DISCLAIMER**: I am posting the *entirety* of the first book when it is finished, any pay you give to my Patreon is for extra content: lore releases, early chapter releases, etc. None of the story itself is in any way gated or unreadable (though you might have to wait a month to see it!)

“Ow! Watch the jacket!” Mike protested as Lashvara shoved him into the prison cell with way more force than was necessary. The Orc manhandled the puny earthling, keeping his head pointed at the ground, with her hand firm against the back of his neck as she waddle-walked him into the room.

Someone gasped. Mike tried to lift his head up to see who was there, but the Orc held him by the scruff of his neck. She pressed something into the manacles behind his back. *Click* went the restraints, and suddenly Mike could move his arms again.

“Your prince returns.” Lashvara grunted to whomever was in front of her. “Seems he has even less common sense than you do.”

Halfbreed Ch. 03


Note: This is an erotica novel. As such, character and story play a huge part of the telling. There absolutely is hardcore sex, but the story will build to it rather than arrive right out the gate.

**DISCLAIMER**: I am posting the *entirety* of the first book when it is finished, any pay you give to my Patreon is for extra content: lore releases, early chapter releases, etc. None of the story itself is in any way gated or unreadable (though you might have to wait a month to see it!)

Consciousness came with a blast of cold water across Mike’s face.

He choked and spluttered, finding his mouth filled with water as he instinctively spat out the offensive liquid. The groggy smuggler tossed his dripping hair behind his head, getting the dark bangs out of his eyes as he leaned back in the metal chair he was shackled to. His arms were cuffed behind his back, linked to a chain leading down to the floor. His legs were similarly bound, tying him to the metallic chrome seat. He couldn’t sit comfortably, the chains prevented him from leaning too far forward or too far back.

Halfbreed Ch. 02 (Part 2)


Note: This is an erotica novel. As such, character and story play a huge part of the telling. There absolutely is hardcore sex, but the story will build to it rather than arrive right out the gate.

**DISCLAIMER**: I am posting the *entirety* of the first book when it is finished, any pay you give to my Patreon is for extra content: lore releases, early chapter releases, etc. None of the story itself is in any way gated or unreadable (though you might have to wait a month to see it!)

Mike awoke the next morning to the greatest thing he ever saw.

He opened his eyes, the early morning sunlight filtering through the boughs of the forest. A strong western wind set the leaves to shivering. The night had been cold once the fire had gone out, and Mike awoke with a deep chill at the base of his spine. He was curled up into a ball: his body naturally huddling into itself under the covers of the bedroll.

Halfbreed Ch. 02 (Part 1)


Note: This is an erotica novel. As such, character and story play a huge part of the telling. There absolutely is hardcore sex, but the story will build to it rather than arrive right out the gate.

**DISCLAIMER**: I am posting the *entirety* of the first book when it is finished, any pay you give to my Patreon is for extra content: lore releases, early chapter releases, etc. None of the story itself is in any way gated or unreadable (though you might have to wait a month to see it!)

# Chapter 2: Conversation Without Words

“I hope you know,” Mike whispered, kneeling down next to the beleaguered Elf as he wiped at the wound on her forehead with a sanitized cloth, “That crash is coming out of *your* cut of the profits, Aly.”

Allynna groaned and stirred. Her blue eyes peeked open, squinting hard as they tried to adjust to the flickering firelight. After a few moments of dimness the Elf’s eyes opened fully, blinking repeatedly as she cast her gaze around herself. Mike leaned back, resting on his heels as her vision settled on him. He gave her a tired smile.

Halfbreed Ch. 1 (Part 2)

Mike was moments away from completing his pre-flight check of the *Halfbreed*’s external systems when he noticed something green and viscous dripping out of the back of his beloved craft.

It leaked with a certain slime-like quality out of the left engine, drooping like molasses into an acidic sizzle on the tarmac below. He let out a frustrated groan.

“Son of a b- *Aly!*” He called out, hoping that the Elf was in earshot. “The sublight engine’s on the fritz! Looks like we’ve got a coolant leak.”

He waited for a moment to hear her response, but all he got in return was the background noise of a bustling starport in the midst of a busy afternoon. He clucked his tongue and removed his leather jacket, carefully folding it and hanging it on a nearby antennae that protruded at a perpendicular angle from the bottom of the ship.

He rolled up his sleeves, snagging a small bag of maintenance tools that had been carelessly left behind by a Starport engineer near his parking spot. Forgoing any maintenance ladders, he scrambled up one side of the ship, pulling himself like a rock climber up makeshift handholds in the silvery ship’s exterior, till he had scaled to the top of it.

Halfbreed (Part 1)

*Author’s Note:*

Hello there, folks! This is my first time posting on Reddit, so my apologies if this is in any way out of the norm.

I am an erotica writer who has been active in the scene for several years on site like Literotica, HentaiFoundry, etc. A friend turned me on to this reddit as a potential place to post my ongoing novel series so I figured I’d post it here! If you’re interested after you’ve read the chapter feel free to check out my Patreon.

Note: This is an erotica novel. As such, character and story play a huge part of the telling. There absolutely is hardcore sex, but the story will build to it rather than arrive right out the gate.


**DISCLAIMER**: I am posting the *entirety* of the first book when it is finished, any pay you give to my Patreon is for extra content: lore releases, early chapter releases, etc. None of the story itself is in any way gated or unreadable (though you might have to wait a month to see it!)


# Chapter 1: A Pair of Fools