(Cont…) Dear Anna. My boyfriend is younger than me and I want you for him. (F35/F25/M26)

[This is continued from pt1 – i am male 36 btw]

Jasmine: It is so fucking hot knowing that you reacted that way Anna. I looked all the way through your profile again imagining my bf with you each time. In my fantasy my bf says he thinks you are really sexy and then i turn to you and ask you if i can make your nipples hard for you. You nod and cross your arms as i move closer to you and slowly flick my fingers across the outside of your top. I ask “do you like that?”. You think that i am talking to you, but when you turn to answer you realise that i am asking my bf. He nods and says “just pull her top off already”. I do as he asks and then hold your arms behind your back with one hand while i slide my other hand down inside your bra.

What do you think so far?

Anna: ummm. Fuck.

Jasmine: i ask my boyfriend if he wants you and he nods. I put my other hand down inside your pants and tell my bf how fucking wet you are. I say ” she must have been turned on all evening”. My bf takes his dick out now and starts to stroke it.

Dear Anna. My boyfriend is younger than me and I want you for him. (F35/F25/M26)

Jasmine: Anna, I found your profile on instagram and I thought you were really cute. You seem athletic and fit but also sweet and beautiful. Before you stop reading, please look at my profile. I am not a gross creep. :-)

Anna: Oh! No you arent a creep! Your profile shows you like gardening and walking. You seem cool. Can you teach me how to keep my garden alive. Haha

Jasmine: Thank you. You are a sweetheart. Of course I can. In fact I wouldlove to chat about gardening with you. But actually, the reason I messaged you is a bit unusual. I hope this doesnt shock you, but I started looking at your profile a lot because i got addicted to imagining my boyfriend having sex with you.

Anna: What!? I did *not* expect you to say that! I blushed so hard when i read your message. Why the hell would you imagine that?

Jasmine: umm. Ok. Thats a pretty good question. I guess im not sure deep down. All i really know is that it makes me feel good. Like it makes me feel sexy to think about it. I never really thought about any deeper reason… but thinking about it now, i guess it is possible that i am kind of into girls, and the way my brain is processing that is to imagine my bf with a girl.

Categorized as Erotica