Dear Anna. My boyfriend is younger than me and I want you for him. (F35/F25/M26)

Jasmine: Anna, I found your profile on instagram and I thought you were really cute. You seem athletic and fit but also sweet and beautiful. Before you stop reading, please look at my profile. I am not a gross creep. :-)

Anna: Oh! No you arent a creep! Your profile shows you like gardening and walking. You seem cool. Can you teach me how to keep my garden alive. Haha

Jasmine: Thank you. You are a sweetheart. Of course I can. In fact I wouldlove to chat about gardening with you. But actually, the reason I messaged you is a bit unusual. I hope this doesnt shock you, but I started looking at your profile a lot because i got addicted to imagining my boyfriend having sex with you.

Anna: What!? I did *not* expect you to say that! I blushed so hard when i read your message. Why the hell would you imagine that?

Jasmine: umm. Ok. Thats a pretty good question. I guess im not sure deep down. All i really know is that it makes me feel good. Like it makes me feel sexy to think about it. I never really thought about any deeper reason… but thinking about it now, i guess it is possible that i am kind of into girls, and the way my brain is processing that is to imagine my bf with a girl.

Anna: ok. Well. Im going to have to process this….

Jasmine: makes sense anna. Of course i want you to message me again. But please take your time.


Anna: hi Jasmine, i know its been a while since you messaged me. But tbh i have not been able to forget about this even though i tried hard to. Nobody ever messaged me like this before. A question that keeps coming into my mind is what do you imagine you bf doing with me?

Jasmine: Anna! So nice you messaged again. This is also what I cant stop thinking about. I think i could write a book in response. Haha. The short answer is: everything. But at first I imagine all 3 of us just having some wine and chatting about life before i change the topic by asking my bf if he finds you attractive.

Anna: i hope this is not tmi Jasmine. But reading this kind of made my whole body tingle and get turned on. Tbh i *really* want to hear more.


I am typing this on a phone, so i need to have a break. If anyone enjoyed this let me know and i promise i will write more. ✍️



  1. Just started reading and will finish later, but this sounds really, really good.

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