The fitter (MF)

He’d been working all day, enough time for her mind to wander, staring at those big, rough, strong hands and imagining them on her… those big fingers plunging inside her and the thumb rubbing her clit.

Watching him work, she suddenly realised she’d he’d been talking to her as he stood and walked across the room. ‘Just getting something from the van,’ he said brushing past her in the doorway. She inhaled as he passed and caught his manly scent. Sweaty, masculine and strangely erotic.

She realised she was fantasising and was actually already getting wet. She walked across the room to get a better look at the newly laid floor when she stumbled on an offcut and fell, catching herself on her hands and knees where he’d been working. Taking a second to catch her breath, she mentally checked herself; no injury, just damaged pride if anyone had seen.

Trying to get up, she realised her hands were stuck. They’d landed on some spilled adhesive and were stuck firm. She started to panic, tugging hard but they wouldn’t budge, then she heard him walking back into the room.