[MF][GROUP] Craving part 2 (swinging, kink)

September. We’ve been trying to connect for weeks. They invite us with a few hours notice to a party and instantly yes. I’m on my period and can’t do a damn thing all night but use my mouth and fingers. My husband has made up for my inability to participate.

We’re in a bedroom with a unicorn, lights flickering on the ceiling, the 5 of us not fitting comfortably on a king size bed. He’s telling me he doesn’t care, that he wants to taste me. I care. I can’t. We eat his wife’s pussy instead. My husband fucks their friend into the mattress, shivering as she falls apart. There are constantly people walking in and out. Joining us uninvited on the not large enough bed to fuck while we’re using it, making comments, laughing. Overstimulation sets in.

Mdma and mushrooms are passed around but I don’t know these people and I know I’ll get more paranoid then I naturally am and decline. He’s been awake 48 hours and can’t get erect. He let’s me taste his floggers briefly but the catcalls from the other party guests are distracting and we cut it short. My husband is wrapped up in a gorgeous green eyed curvy latina. His wife is riding a high in the pool.

[MF] [GROUP] Craving part 1 (swinging, kink)

I’ve been starving for this man since July. I saw him and his wife walking around a club on my birthday and found myself melting into a puddle everytime they passed.

My husband teased me for my little crush. He said I could have anyone I want, my birthday treat.

I asked around (swingers are naughty gossips). I heard a rumor they only played with single women. I was heartbroken, too shy to say hello to find out myself and be rejected. I swore she had caught my gaze and there was heat, that one time, in passing. Too bad.
Instead found myself falling apart, stuffed by a sweet and sexy older man, staring up at our flesh in the mirrored ceiling while a crowd of people stared in from the motel window. He was too big. I thought I needed the ER. (I didn’t, another story, a good one).

Couldn’t get them out of my head.

August. Another party. I’m commiserating about the missed opportunity to another friend and I’m shocked that I get corrected and confirmation that they do play with couples. I’m kicking myself with disappointment and I look up.

[MF][GROUP] Craving (swinging, pov)

Last night. October. A costume party. They said they weren’t going to make it. We invited another wonderful couple instead. I’m adorable and sugar sweet. It’s been a long time since we’ve been with these two and I cant help but skip the pleasantries and dive in to lick and taste and catch up with his hands and mouth instead of his words. My husband is getting a double blow job, tangled in women. I’ve come up for air and a drink and

And they enter the room. The back of my neck gets hot. My speech stutters. I’m trying to focus on the conversation I’m having with this very handsome man in front of me but your energy prickles at my back and I have to turn to look.

It’s like a bird with a snake. I’m done. I’m wet. I’m nearly vibrating when you press your body against me and hold your lips a breath from mine, staring, waiting for me to close the distance. Your tongue and teeth aren’t nearly enough and I come away swollen and breathless. Apologizing. Flustered. Introductions. Pleasantries. You and your wife are new and interesting and catching many curious eyes.