Thanks for the feedback guys. I’ll finish up this story here, kind of closing the trilogy, I guess.
After we partner swapped, I kind of felt that Amy wasn’t as into me. Maybe that was just my anxiety talking, but it felt like we were having less sex. To be honest, I had kind of hoped fucking Janet would cleanse her from my system, but it did the opposite. I was thinking about her naked body all the time, wondering if there was anyway to have sex with her again. Thinking about her tattoos, of touching them, feeling my cock slide into her tight asshole, wondering what her tits taste like. Ricardo was gone most of January and February on sales trips, so Janet was around constantly and while she and Amy acted normal together, I felt like I was spending all my time around the two of them trying to keep my focus on my wife and not her best friend.
Ricardo was around most weekends, and on one of them, the girls had gone to the gym or run an errand or something and he was hanging in my office as I was working when he asked me if things were different at all with Amy. I admitted that things seemed a little off.