(WIP) Freeuse diary: Life as a baseball mascot [Str8] [exh]

People always ask me what it’s like to be a baseball mascot. “Is it hot in the suit?” is one of the most common questions. When the suit’s on people want to know if I’m a guy or a girl, how sweaty I am, all sorts of things.

During a match I go by Sasha Squirrel, the key mascot for local baseball team the Maple Swingers. I came up with most of the costume myself! Sasha’s costume is mostly in the mask instead of the full suits you see some others wearing. I’m fit, but definitely on the curvy side especially in the bust, and I wanted to be comfortable in the warmer weather. So instead of a full “animal suit” I’m more of a Lola Rabbit type of animal mascot, wearing a cute red and white baseball-uniform, with a bushy tail, fluffy paws, and cartoon squirrel mask.

But the question that I hands-down get asked the most is “What do even do as a mascot?”. It’s a job people know of but don’t know a lot about. So I thought I’d share a diary from what I got up to last week as the Maple Swinger’s Sasha Squirrel.

Matter of Conscience Pt.1 (Angels and Demons) [Fantasy] [Les]

Have you ever wondered how the little devil and angel on your shoulders settle a debate? It’s not always as simple as whispering a few thoughts to a human then letting them the call on their own, sometimes things get pretty heated. I should know; I’m Evangeline, a certified angel of conscience! I’ve worked with my fair share of devils but I’ve proven myself time and time again, and the angels must have seen my hard work! Because today I’m starting a pretty serious assignment…

“Here he is.” Dina, the conscience department manager, pulls up a human profile on the large wall-mounted monitor. “This is your new assignment, Evangeline.”

“Felix Muller…” Evangeline slowly reads his details out loud. “Seems pretty standard to me?”

“If only.” Dina sighs. And taps her keyboard, switching to the next slide. “Here’s his conscience history.”

The slide shows a simple timeline of the angels and devils of his conscience over his lifetime. One devil had been assigned for his entire twenty-eight year life, but his angels didn’t seem to last more than two years, max.

My(F26) first time getting an erotic massage (WIP)

This is a work in progress, feel free to give feedback so I can update with more!


*Do I need to do anything at an erotic massage?*

I type the awkward question into my phone’s browser window and hit ‘enter’, holding my screen at an angle on the bus as I try to be discreet. *Calm down Danielle,* I lean back into my seat as I take a careful peek at the results.

Your results may be explicit. A red banner screams a warning at the top of the screen and I panic. I quickly turn the screen off and stuff the phone back into my purse. Forget it. *I’ll find out when I get there…* *Oh god, why did I book this appointment!?*

Before long I am standing in front of a small massage studio that offers women like me “sweet bliss”. At 26 I’ll surely be his youngest client yet. A thought that barely improves my anxiety.

“You must be Dani.” He smiles, stretching out his hand for a handshake. I prefer Danielle, but I don’t correct him and smile instead. My hands feel clammy but I try to act cool, shaking his hand confidently as though it were a business exchange. I suppose it is, actually.