My [M] Wife [F] And I’s Wild Introduction to Swinging.

It’s been almost a week and my brain is still processing the experience that my wife and I shared. Maybe sharing the story will help so here goes.

A little backstory first. My wife and I both come from extremely conservative fundamental Christian families. I even spent my entire school life in fundamental Christian schools. As such, sex has always felt taboo even after we were married. I know it’s unhealthy but it’s hard to shake that much programming. Even though I have been an atheist for years, the impulse to hide anything sexual in nature is still there.

My wife admitted to me years ago that she once lightly made out with a girl at a party years ago and that she was very turned on by it. She dealt with shame and confusion over this for years as a result of her background though so could never process it healthily. My wife is also rather well proportioned. I have always found her very attractive but she has a hard time being naked in front of me. Bedroom intimacy is usually lights off or requires some degree of coverage for her.