I Know That You Guys Probably Heat This Kind Of Thing All The Fuckin’ Time, But This Particular Erotic Literature That I Authored, Really Does Happen To Be A 100% Non-financial Account Of Events That Actually Took Place In Real Life

This is part of one of my many anecdotal autobiographical ranting monologues I have written.The sad part about this, is that it is absolutely positively 100% true . . .

The first video on the top of this is ALexander Sveltina’s compassionate educational Youtube video, where he bravely exposes his big beautiful junk to the world, while teaching his audience how to perform a testicular self-examination, in order to screen for any kind of lumps, ridges, lesions, or anything out of the ordinary, that could possibly be cancerous, while giving the viewer the opportunity to search for malignancies, while doing the exam, and within the privacy if their very own home. Without unnecessarily having to go to the doctors office, where they could be put in the unfortunate uncomfortable position, where they have to have a male doctor fondle their balls.

Unless your PCP happens to be a woman—or if you’re really lucky, a young and attractive woman—then undergoing such an intimate experience that necessitates a doctor to carefully, and methodically explore your junk with their hands, wouldn’t be so bad of an experience at all.

Exhibitionism Blog

I found this great article on WordPress about how people who post how-to videos of themselves putting on a condom, or giving themself a testicular exam, or jelqing (a natural method of enlarging the penis by using squeezing & stretching techniques), and put them on YouTube for the sole purpose of exposing their genitals in front of a mass audience are really just exhibitionists getting off by exploiting & corrupting what might be an innocent curiosity.

These clever bastards discovered how to auspiciously sneak by social media’s draconian censorship enforcement policies, implemented by most social media websites through a legal loophole that allows them to do it while not breaking the rules of the community guideline standards and policies.

These naughty fellows are exhibitionists who discovered a way how to get their rocks off by exposing (usually flattering, but sometimes humiliating) images of their cocks in an obscenely deliberate scam that will have you ROTFLYAO.

The article that I am referring to is in this link below:

http://theeternalreturn.art.blog/2021/06/21/men-who-get-a-cheap-thrill-out-of-making-youtube-videos-are-exhibitionists/[Exhibitionism Blog](http://theeternalreturn.art.blog/2021/06/21/men-who-get-a-cheap-thrill-out-of-making-youtube-videos-are-exhibitionists/)