Michelle’s Apartment (Submitting To My Bi Side, Part 2)

Michelle led me to her car. Her hand was still in mine as we approached it. Even as the cold rain came down, her hand was still so soft and warm. I could feel a pulse beating. Definitely mine. I was so excited for whatever was about to go down.

“Here’s me,” Michelle pointed to an older model Honda Civic.

I got into her car. I let go of her hand. I didn’t want to; her hand was so welcoming it felt like her small hand was giving my entire body a hug; one of those hugs you give a close friend after not having seen her for months None of Evan’s body parts made me feel like that. When Evan touched me, it was different. All of his touching was done for his own pleasure. With Michelle, it felt like she was touching me the way she wanted to be touched, and the way a woman would want to be touched.

She pulled out of the coffee shop parking lot and made her way toward her apartment. This is so scandalous, I thought. I can’t believe I’m doing this.

Submitting To My Bi Side (Part 1)

The thunder crash jolted me out of my trance. I had been staring at the menu boards in this coffee shop for what seemed to be an eternity. Was there an artist here who did all the chalk artwork, or was it all preprinted? Could I do that? Probably not. Was one of the baristas also an artist, or did they pay someone specifically to do these menu boards? No, it was probably a corporate thing that they just sent out to all the locations. But was there an artist who did it? No, it was probably just computer generated. Ok who cares?

The rain was really coming down now, and I was hoping this wouldn’t ruin what I had planned for this evening.

I had gotten my coffee a half an hour before, and I was just sitting at an open table. Waiting. She wasn’t late. I was just early. I wasn’t even sure if I should be there. I just felt like I had to get there first, settle in. Get the home field advantage.

The sounds of sex coming from my parents’ bedroom always turned me on.

I wasn’t sure why. Probably because it was taboo and against the agreed upon laws of society. Whatever, no one was home but me and the people in that bedroom fucking. I made my way to the bedroom door, just close enough so I could hear better. The bed was creaking. There was grunting. And suddenly mother moaned in pleasure and she was cumming.

Just as her orgasm peaked, I heard a noise from behind me. A man was approaching the bedroom door.

I ran back into my own room down the hall before the man could see me standing there.

It was my dad.

Wait….If that was my dad….

“Alright Ed, my turn,” my dad said as he walked through the door, completely naked.

“She’s gonna finish me off in her mouth while you pound her from behind. Let’s go.”

That was uncle Ed’s voice. I tried to wake up from what I thought was a dream. It wasn’t. My dad and his brother where double-teaming my mom.

Breakfast (Spying On My Sister, Part 2)

Jenna and James came up the stairs for breakfast in the morning. I was already on the counter drinking coffee and having toast. James just had on boxers, exposing his chest, which wasn’t muscular, but toned so you could see the outlines of his build. He was hairless for the most part. He wasn’t hot but he was definitely sexy. Jenna, I’m pretty sure, had on just an old school “Weezer” t-shirt; one of James’, no doubt. No bottoms, but the t shirt did go to her thighs. They both had nice bodies and were comfortable walking around like that. The main reason they walked around basically naked was easy access.

My sister and her boyfriend had an added bonus this week. Our parents were in Hawaii. We had the house to ourselves, which meant James was living there that week. And they were fucking a lot. It was like they were each other’s newly discovered drugs and they were on a binge. I could hear them every night; they were as loud as they could be, knowing they had no one who’d tell them to cut it out or keep it down. They knew I wouldn’t.

Pain and Pleasure

The feel of her tongue on my clit was like heaven. She maneuvered her mouth around it like an artist with a brush, using the wetness of my own pussy to her advantage, making art with my canvas. As she inhaled through her nose, the air rushing across my skin gave me a sweet sensation that made my inner thighs tremble. I was cumming again. And again.

I grabbed two handfuls of her brown hair and pulled hard, enough for me to hope it hurt just a little bit. I knew Kim liked pain. Just like I did. A little bit of pain released the endorphins even more to make the pleasure feel even better. She was dirty. I loved dirty.

I took my right hand and clasped it around her neck, just slightly choking her. I guided her head up to my face and started sucking on her lips. Hard. I tasted my pussy. I was used to tasting my own pussy, because when I’m alone and I finger myself, I’m always licking my fingers. But my pussy tasted even better on her tongue. I put my tongue in her mouth, and she mine. I bit hers. She didn’t flinch. She let me clamp down and she let out a low “Mmmm” letting me know how much she loved it.

My Roommate

She didn’t know I was there. Or maybe she did, and just didn’t care. It was 1:30am on a Wednesday. Late by my standards. I realize I wasn’t the typical college freshman, but I had shit to do the next day. Didn’t we all? I guess some people cared about responsibility more than others. Oh well. This is why I was in bed. I like sleep.

My roommate, Riley, had her boyfriend Andy over. He was always over. I guess they were high school sweethearts, or whatever. He didn’t go to college, he finished high school and went right to work at his dad’s landscaping company. The money was good, and hell, if he was just going to inherit a successful business someday, why bother going to college. I asked Riley what happens when winter comes and there’s no land to scape, and she said, duh there’s plowing. Ok. I still don’t understand how there’s so much money in that.

Well it was definitely winter now, because Riley was getting plowed a lot.

Riley and Andy must have been out drinking somewhere because they stumbled into the dorm, and basically just crashed onto the bunk below me. This is partly why I wanted the top bunk. As little disturbance as possible.

Spying On My Sister

The noise woke me up. I looked at my phone and it said the time was just after 2am. Laughter. The laugher was coming from the basement. My sister’s bedroom was down there and I knew she had her boyfriend, James, over.

My room was upstairs, two floors away, so it was weird that I heard anything. Jenna was 21, two years older than me, and she was home from college on summer break, and it seemed like James never left her side that summer. He was the same age as her, but that seemed to be about the only thing they had in common.

James is a cute guy. Slim build, toned. The slightest of facial hair stubble. At that point, he had been with Jenna for about five years. I think she lost her virginity to him. She always thought he was the nicest guy and the most chivalrous of men. And he was. He treated her great. They had fun. He made her laugh, obviously, because they just wouldn’t shut up that night.

Girls Do It Better

Emily looked at her phone. He just texted her. He was on his way to her work with an iced coffee from Tim Hortons. Milk double sugar. He always knew her order. I mean, he should; they’d been together for three years and that’s literally the only thing she orders. Yeah, three years. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but for Emily, a 25-year-old independent woman just getting her career off the ground, and with an unhealthy dose of fear of commitment, three years is an eternity. And it felt like it.

Not that Tom is a bad guy. He’s great. He treats Emily like a queen. He does everything for her. They’re a great couple, and everyone always asks them when they’re going to get married. She hated that. She never planned on getting married, and no offense to Tommy, he’s not the person she wanted to marry.

Emily wasn’t even sure she wanted to marry a guy anyway.

And that was the problem. She loved Tom. And she would never go behind his back with another guy. Ever. She never did.