Work Christmas Party With Danielle

It’s that time of the year again, and if has me thinking about a Christmas party my work had a couple of years ago. It was the first Christmas Party since Danielle started working there. She was a fucking tease and a half, and I knew she knew I was attracted to her. She always had on lower cut tops which showed her nicely shaped cleavage as well as tightly fitted leggings which always showed off the perfect shape of of her ass.

The Christmas party that year was held, as it always was, at a nice restaurant, far outside my budget. Our boss liked to throw around his wallet. He allowed us to bring dates/spouses/whatever, but I was always single and showed up by myself. Danielle brought her husband Doug. He was tall, skinny-ish, but cute.

We all ate way too much food, and drank way too much booze. Before we knew it all of our coworkers were gone, except the three of us.

Doug suggested the three of us head back to their apartment to hang out for a while and drink some more. I wasn’t ready for the night to end, so I figured why not.

I’ll Write Personalized Erotica For You!

I’ve been a writer for a long time, and I love the idea of readers getting off to what I write. Tell me what you want (can be as dirty and taboo as you want), and we can negotiate a price (lol don’t worry, I’m cheap)! Message me!

I’ll Write Personalized Erotica For You!

I’ve been a writer for a long time, and I love the idea of readers getting off to what I write. Tell me what you want, and we can negotiate a price! Message me!

PS Feel free to check out some of what I’ve written so far on my page!

Categorized as Erotica

New Girl At the Office

I had been working at the office for a couple of years at that point. I was basically the only girl who made it past the two year mark, according to my boss, Mark. In hindsight, it was kind of weird thing to say out loud.

“Becca, you’re a trooper,” he would always say. What a great way to give someone a compliment without actually meaning it.

It was an ok job, but it was just that. A job. I was a good employee, but I had no motivation to find anything else. Between that and the fact that people kept quitting, I had great job security. People would get hired, and then after a few months of being tragically underpaid, they’d get bored or complacent, and then leave for greener pastures. Personally, I just didn’t care enough. I made enough money to pay my bills and buy what I wanted. Any job more demanding would make me want to kill myself. Any job paying less would make me want to kill myself.


The sun was shining, alone in the sky with no clouds in sight to keep it company. It was directly overhead, beating down onto Sara’s body, which was almost fully exposed except for her brand new bikini which she just purchased for the trip. In fact, she had seven brand new bikinis; one for every day she was going to be there. She couldn’t be seen wearing the same suit twice while at the resort or on the beach. Harrison, her boyfriend, didn’t understand. He didn’t care if he wore the same pair of swim trunks every day. But, as Sara knew, no one would be paying attention to Harrison while they were in the Dominican Republic. All eyes would be on her, as usual.

Ugh, what’s taking him so long? Sara thought Harrison should be back by now. He went to get beers for them at least 20 minutes ago. Oh well, she thought. They just better not be warm by the time he gets back, she thought

It Was Me

I lit a cigarette as we both lay naked in her bed, our legs still intertwined. Spent .

I knew she had a boyfriend. And she knew I had a boyfriend too. That might have been what made it even hotter.

“You’re the first girl I’ve been with who knows how to scissor,” she said, chuckling.

“It’s an art,” I replied. “I’ve studied a lot of porn.”

“Well, I love your artwork, and I’ll be the canvas any day,” she replied as she took the cigarette out of my hand, and thrust her face into mind and kissed me so hard she took my breath away.

As she leaned over, I felt her pussy, which was still soaked from cumming, rub against my thigh. Mine was still wet too, so as we made out like a couple of high schoolers, I shifted my body so that both of our wet pussies touched each other again. She was back on top of me, clit to clit, and my entire body got chills again.

She hastily jumped off of me, with a menacing grin and took a drag of the cigarette.

Three’s A Crowd

It was like she’s done this many times before. Her tongue dancing on my clit, bringing me so close to orgasm, but I held it in. I let it build. I opened my eyes and caught sight of him fucking her from behind as she licked me. He pushed his thick cock inside her pussy slowly, making her feel every inch. He wanted to cum. He looked me in the eyes and he slowly pushed in and lit. She moaned in pleasure. I could tell as he fucked her that he was fantasizing about me, wishing it was me he was fucking. I was playing with tits and fingering both nipples as my body moved in rhythm of his girl pleasing me. He and I locked eyes, and we both knew: Round two would only include the two of us.

His Brother

“Dave and Maggie broke up,” Charlie told me, as he set his phone down on the counter.

“Oh, I liked Maggie,” I said, with a mouthful of my morning Cheerios.

“Eh, she was a bitch,” Charlie replied.

“Ok then, haha,” I said.

“Well, Dave’s pissed. I guess she cheated on him.”

“Oh yeah, fuck that bitch, then. Is Dave doing ok?”

I didn’t really care how Dave was doing. He’s kind of an asshole and I definitely get why Maggie would cheat on him. Of the two brothers, Charlie was the catch. I mean they both look similar, obviously, as they’re are brothers. Both tall and thin, not lanky, just lean and toned. Slight scuff on the face. Blueish greenish eyes. Charlie is a smart guy, has a good job, and is an all around good guy.

Dave, on the other hand, wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. He was two years younger than Charlie. He didn’t go to college, always had odd jobs and couldn’t keep a steady one. I guess I never got what Maggie saw in him in the first place. He was kind of a jerk to her, and she was always so good to him. He must have been good in bed. If he was anything like his brother in that department, he definitely was.

My Letter To You, Unsent

I never should have agreed to that threesome. His fucking birthday. You made it all seem like it was for him. But it was for you, you selfish bitch. You knew I wanted you. And you just toyed with me. But I wanted it too. I let it happen.

We met up countless times after that. Just you and me. He didn’t know. Because you had to feed your desires. You fucking want to have it both ways. Well, you can’t.

I can’t do it anymore. The lies. The secrets. The sneaking around. I want the real thing. The thing that you have with someone else. When we’re together, we have to hide. We can’t go out. We might get caught. I’m done. The feel of your body next to mine gives me life, but knowing I can’t have it when I want it? I want to die.

I can’t have you. He has you. He doesn’t love you. I don’t even know if I love you. Do you love him? Could you love me?

My Sister’s Boyfriend

My cousin was getting married. We never saw this girl. She lived far away, in Charlotte, NC, for some reason, but it might as well have been China. So my mom, myself and my sister, Jenna, drove down to North Carolina for this wedding. Of course my sister and her boyfriend, James, were attached at the hip, so she had to bring him along. I was blissfully single and had no desire to bring a date.

We had two rooms reserved, one for my mom and me, and one for Jenna and her boyfriend.. After a long day of driving, we checked into the hotel at about 1am the day before the wedding. My mom was exhausted so she wanted to go straight to sleep, but I wasn’t really tired so I went over to my sister’s room to hang out for a while. Jenna and I were really close growing up, best friends. We would always hang out and had a lot of common friends.