Played hooky from work to go on a 48-hour fuck fest with this Redditor (Part II: 20 hours to go) [FM]

Continuing my last detailing of my encounter with Kyle – this Redditor I’d met and couldn’t get enough of, [I was prepared to be productive at work…](

…for a good 10 minutes before Kyle, still in bed, told me to lay on him as I took my call.

Knowing it would be a mistake, I still went over, and he pulled me to lie on him like you’d like on a recliner, and I propped my laptop on my stomach. I could feel his cock against the small of my back.

Such a big distraction.

I didn’t last long in that position before Kyle got me to prop my laptop beside his head and sit facing him. I groaned. “I’m not gonna be very productive,” I said, but he just laughed.

“I won’t do anything, you can take your call. Just sit on me.”

Such a big liar.

To his credit, he gave me a few minutes of focus time before he started running his hands over my body. That “accidental” brush initially, then not so accidental, as he turned his attention towards my nipples.

Played hooky from work to go on a 48-hour fuck fest with this Redditor I’d met once before [FM]

Here I [28F] am, a month after our first meeting, at the airport waiting to be picked up by this Redditor [24M] I’d met once, for what I thought would be a casual encounter, to a beachside resort he booked, far from the city. What could go wrong?

Absolutely nothing. It was 48 hours of pure, raw, unadulterated, bliss. [Kyle](, oh [Kyle](

As charming as I’d remembered, Kyle grabbed my ass the first chance he got. Imagine his surprise as he grabbed a handful of pure ass, my little black thong swallowed by my cheeks.

It was over an hour’s drive to the resort, and I gently rubbed his cock over his shorts as he was driving. “Try not to make a mess of your car,” I teased, and he groaned as he kept driving.

The quaint resort was by the beach, and we had a lovely cottage perched above the ocean. I couldn’t wait for the receptionist to check us in, and once we were alone in our room, we couldn’t tear our lips off each other. He hiked my tight black dress up, and he pushed me to the bed.

Ended a Redditor’s dry spell, and he got me absolutely hooked: Part II [FM]

This story was from months ago, a continuation from when [I met this Redditor, Kyle [24M] for the very first time]( I went in with no expectations, and wasn’t expecting to have more to update. Look where we are now.

The next morning, I [28F] woke up tender and sore all over, but the soreness reminded me of last night’s events, and got me hornier than ever.

There wasn’t much time to daydream during the workday, but when I had a bit of time between meetings, my mind would wander and I’d think of Kyle, his thick strong fingers, and how his cock felt inside me… My panties were soaked the whole day thinking of our night together.

I had fully intended to meet other friends during my time in the city, but I couldn’t get Kyle out of my mind. I texted him, and he had the exact same sentiments.

This time, we cut to the chase, and he came straight to my hotel. We both knew what was coming, and I was giddy from anticipation as I went down to pick him up at the hotel lobby in a little black dress. He couldn’t take his eyes off me.

Ended a Redditor’s dry spell, and he got me absolutely hooked [FM]

Kyle [24M] messaged me [28F] from my RAO posts in his city ages ago.

He slid into my DMs several months after I posted, and I wasn’t around anymore. But we somehow kept in contact, and our interactions were a couple of check-in texts every now and then, even throughout the whole COVID thing. With things looking slightly better now, business travel resumed, I would be in his city for a few days, so I thought I’d drop him a text.

Turns out he was free and ready to bring me around. He suggested a quaint craft beer place nearby, and we made plans to meet there after work. I came from a whole day of meetings, so I was slightly dressed up, in my heels and form fitting, knee length dress that hugged my body.

At this point, Kyle and I had been texting for over a year I think, but I’d seen maybe a 5 second snap of him many many moons back, and the picture he sent was “from very long ago, I don’t look like that anymore.” I had 0 recollection of what he looked like.

Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am. Fucked and chucked by a kinky, bisexual fuckgirl [FF]

Elle (22F) was absolutely gorgeous, but she was a walking red flag. She was slender and so petite, about 5’1″ with smooth, porcelain skin, and the prettiest lips.

My (28F) preference for women leans towards the butch spectrum, but I do appreciate beautiful women, and she was hot enough for me to throw all my reservations out the window.

We matched on Tinder, and she sent a message not 10 seconds later. I thought she was a catfish. The story of the days.

She asked me to meet up with her and her friends in the club that very night. No thanks. I would like to keep my kidney please. However, we chatted on and off for a couple weeks, with her insisting on meetups. Surely she couldn’t be a catfish?

When I went to meet her at her place the first time, I was ambushed by her uh – very hot flatmate, that she was kinda banging, as well as another smoking hot lady friend.

Redditors do it better (Part II: The cum-in-eye walk of shame) [FM]

What a mouthful of a title. 

Here’s a continuation of what happened when [I met a Redditor for the first time]( 

I ended off my previous post with Cain finishing his massive load on my face.  

What I didn’t mention in my previous post was Cain finishing his massive load on my face, and me unceremoniously getting some of that massive load in my eyes too. 

We went to shower and wash up. I felt a burning sensation in my eye, but I didn’t realize how bad it was until I looked into the mirror. My eye was pink. Fuck. 

We were starving and that point of time, we couldn’t dine outside, so our only course of action was to grab some takeaway. Gentleman that he is, Cain offered to head into town and grab some food or order in, but I was starving. I didn’t want to wait a whole hour for food, and didn’t want to be alone in the hotel. I insisted on powering through, so we got dressed and headed into town, the pink eye being the highlight of my outfit, after my puffy lips and messy “just got fucked” hair. 

Redditors do it better [FM]

Well… Not all of ’em I guess.

Cain is the first guy I’ve met off Reddit. 

I lie. 

A was the first Redditor I met. He ghosted me after our first meeting.

B was the second Redditor I met. He seemed nice, but completely catfished me. He was also super pushy during our meeting, bordering on aggressive, and I was terrified he might follow me home. I blocked him on everything the second I left his sight. I ghosting him after our first meeting. 

You can see why I was super hesitant to meet anyone else off Reddit, but I’m glad I did. Third time’s the charm. 

Cain messaged me from one of my posts. He made a comment that made me chuckle, and we started chatting from there. 

I told him before about A and B, and he poked fun at my misfortune. Said he was different. 

Of course he was. 

We chatted on & off for weeks before we finally made time to meet. I was swamped with work, as was he. I liked that he didn’t keep pressuring me, and was genuinely looking forward to finally meeting him. 

He [22] refused to get me [27] off, so I gave him blue balls and showed him the door… [FM]

I’ve thought long and hard on whether I should post this, as this may be quite a controversial topic.

Here it is – downvotes be damned. 

I’d briefly mentioned I was seeing a guy, Tony, who at 22, was a whole 5 years younger than me. Tony was cute in a boyish way, about 5’7″, toned with a nice, broad chest, and covered in the randomest tattoos. I’m 99% sure he frequents r/wallstreetbets – so in a nutshell, he’s young, reckless, and carefree. I liked how direct he was, and we had great banter. I was excited to meet him. 

Tony moved fast. He asked me whether I wanted to be exclusive before we even met. I didn’t. We’d barely been texting a week at that point. 

From our first meeting, we had great chemistry. The first time we fucked, he brought me to a cozy hotel room and pulled out all the stops. We were going at it for hours – spent the whole afternoon in bed, fucking and cuddling, then washing up to continue – only stopping to grab food in between.

A Saucy Tinder Experience [FM]



*Adjective* *INFORMAL*

*Sexually suggestive in a light-hearted and humorous way.*


I never thought I’d download Tinder. 

I used it ages ago, and wasn’t too keen about it after reading all the Tinder horror stories. But here I am, swiping away out of sheer desperation. I hadn’t had a proper fuck in a while, and I was tired of having nowhere to vent my pent up frustration. 

One guy caught my eye. He had a fake name “Saucy”, which I normally would swipe left on, but he reminded me of someone I knew, and I swiped right.

We didn’t match. Oh well. 

“Hey, you’re *tartful* from *university* right?”

I woke up the next morning to a text from Saucy.

“I’m Ryan, remember me?” 

Ryan. This was a name I hadn’t heard in a while. He was a uni mate that I lost touch with after graduation, and the last person that I would have thought to move to the city I’m in, but here he was. 

I replied, and we arranged to meet at a cafe near where he lives. 

My Sexual Awakening [FM]

Everyone has an origin story, though I’d share mine. This is one from the archives, happened a couple years ago during summer break, when I (about 22 at that time) travelled and visited my friend Jane in her hometown. She brought me to a party beach resort, where partygoers hung out by the beach during the day, partied hard at night, and knocked off in tiny outdoors tents. 

We went with her friend, Leon, whom I’ve met a few times through her. Leon (26 at that time) was a good looking dude with a jawline that could cut glass, about 5’10”, and lean but muscular. I had a mini crush on him, and I was excited to spend my holidays with him. 

We partied all day til night, and I was absolutely sloshed. I don’t remember much about this, but some guy was trying to pick me up at the bar, and Leon was pissed. I remember him telling me I had enough, and he brought me, as well as a very reluctant Jane back to our tent. 

He put me to bed, and I remember them going out to argue. What about, I couldn’t hear, but I was just lying there, world spinning around me, waiting for them to come back.