[Cheating] with the librarian [mf]

I love my wife but things have been stale for a little while. We have a young kid, etc.

I work at a liberal arts college in the northeast and our kid goes to the school-run daycare there. I keep running into this one mom from his class, who I’ll call Ann, that I’ve been fantasizing about for months. Ann is about 30, dark hair, super fit (thanks yoga and yoga pants!) with a pretty face. And, I kid you not, she is a librarian who wears librarian glasses.

Every day after work I run into Ann at my kid’s daycare and of course I develop a huge crush on her. No biggie. My wife and I have a solid marriage and random little crushes aren’t going to get in the way of it. I flirt with Ann when she gets a new haircut or dresses up. We hang out at a nearby playground two or three times a week. I always let her leave first so I can watch her ass as she walks away. She always wears a dress or yoga pants that complement the roundness very well. (And she’s always wearing a sweater or sweatshirt though so I never get a gander at her boobs.) I like her husband Jack but I’ve only met him a couple times. Mostly he seems to be traveling for work.