[MF] The Girl That Ruined Me

This story happened about twenty-ish years ago when I was around twenty or twenty-one years old. I was pretty heavy into the club scene back then and was a regular at a pretty popular club downtown. It was one of the popular eighteen to enter, twenty-one to drink kind of places that was popular back then. I was there enough that I knew the staff and didn’t even need a fake ID to drink before my twenty-first, a few of my friends had even gotten jobs there as bouncers or bar backs and the like

This was right at the beginning of the electronic music wave. Clubs had just started switching over from pop and hip-hop to playing house and progressive. The designer drug thing was a pretty new thing at this point and I had dabbled in doing a bit of ecstasy, but hadn’t really dived into it yet. I remember strolling around the outside of the dance floor, just kind of scoping out the scene, letting the noise and the lights wash over me as I sipped on whatever fruity concoction I had chosen for the night. I remember being very fond of cranberry and vodka at that age. You’ll have to forgive me for that, I was young.