Life is Uncertain, Eat Dessert First or: That Time When We (Probably) Gave the Neighbors a Show. [mf, Long]

This is my recollection of one of our hottest bang sessions to date… and not just because it was during the summertime! Per usual, details have been changed a little to protect identities.


A couple months ago, my fiancée and I were having a party at my house and I strung up some lights out in the backyard to give it some glow for outdoor activities. They look kind of like a larger version of the little twinkle lights you’d put in a Christmas tree, and since they are incandescent, they have a real nice appealing glow to them. Shortly after that, on one particular Wednesday, we had agreed to meet at my place, but since she was doing yoga beforehand, I had about an hour to kill before she got there. It wasn’t quite sunset yet (but it was getting close) so I plugged in the overhead “ambiance” lights, turned on some Electro-Jazz (Think David Holmes, St. Germain, Mr. Scruff or similar) and sat down to do a little reading while I waiting. The sky had just started to turn an amazing orange color and I was taking a few pictures when my fiancée arrived.

First Intercourse with (M)y Girl(f)riend

This is my recollection of the first time my girlfriend and I had sex. I’m sure my words won’t do it complete justice, but it will hopefully trigger some happy memories for the two of us. Like the previous stories, details have been changed a bit to protect ourselves. So, without further ado, here’s my side of the story.


I was really grateful that we had both gone to the same college, I reflected, as we strolled through the crisp night air back to our hotel room from our night out in our college town downtown. We had been out to drinks with our friends in our annual trek back to re-live our college glory days. It’s always good energy with the group, but I was grateful my girlfriend was on the same wavelength as me as we decided to call it a night, after all, we’d hang with our friends the rest of the weekend. She closed her tab, said our goodbyes, and left the crowds and thumping music of the college scene behind us as we headed back. It was not overly cold out, so we had decided to walk the mile and a half rather than take an uber. It always feels good to stretch your legs after a few drinks, in my opinion. On our way back, we chatted about finally catching up with our friends and the usual small talk, and she revealed she had a surprise for me when we got back to the hotel. I was pretty much instantly hard thinking about what it could be, and revealed that I, too, had a surprise for her.

Tossed Salad or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Anal Play! (mf) [Long]

This is the continuing story of my lovely girlfriend and my sexual exploration of each others’ body, set a few months after our last game night story. Details have been changed slightly, per usual, to protect those involved. The setup on this one isn’t nearly so long as the previous story (you’re welcome?).


I sat on the couch reflecting on what a spectacular weekend this had been together. We had decided that we needed a weekend getaway, so, after work on Friday, we headed up to one of our favorite little towns to relax and get away. We were staying in a romantic little house that we’d not been to previously, which afforded us more privacy than a hotel room, while still being close enough to walk to the cute little downtown. We had made our own dinner the first night, had a bit of wine to go with it (as you do on romantic weekends), then decided we’d try out my “new and improved” Sexy Battleship game [see previous post for the “Original” Sexy Battleship].

Game Night with (m)y girl(f)riend.

This is kindof long on the setup, if you are not fond of that and want to get to the primary action skip down to the bar below. This is a mostly truth and a little fiction to protect identities.

Also written in honor of my girlfriend. Happy 6th, sweetie! To many more sexy memories!

"So what do you want to do?" my girlfriend asked me one cold and, up til that point, uneventful Saturday night.

"Well, maybe let's play a game?"

I watched as she looked over my games collection and settled on one. "Let's play battleship!"

"OK, but let's make the stakes a little more interesting and make it strip battleship!"

I had never managed to get to "phase two" of any strip game with her, but was determined to keep trying until it worked out. Maybe this would be the time. "At the table or in the bedroom?" I asked her. And she indicated no preference. "Ok, let's head for the soft and warm material, bedroom it is."

Loving Anal (f)or (M)y birthday. [Long]

Details changed slightly, written with omniscient narrator POV. Hope you enjoy my re-telling as much as I enjoyed the actual encounter!

In her mind, nervousness mixed with excitement and self-consciousness as he poured the oil out on his hands. Her skin was already slick with previous applications, and while she liked the feeling of his large warm hands easily gliding across her, she still couldn't help but feel vulnerable. Perhaps even a little silly, especially in this position. She giggled as she thought about all the girls in the class doing "happy baby" next to her, and knew that the next time she did this in class, her mind would come back to this moment. Feet up in the air with hands grabbing toes, her naked torso slick with oil; Her vagina and, even more naughty, her ass on complete display for her man at the end of the bed. She still didn't feel comfortable in this position, but oh, the way he looked at her when she did it made her want to pull him in for a deep kiss.