[MF] Unaware I was the Prey

During my friends sophomore year of college I planned to visit one fine fall weekend. I drove up on a Friday night and decided to start partying as soon as I got to their apartment. I met my friend Robert and his roommate Gary. Gary had his friend John from home visiting along with John’s girlfriend Nikki. Nikki was 5’2 blonde fair skinned freshman with a petite curves. Nikki went to an all girls catholic high school before starting college that year and she let everyone know she was a good girl.

I didn’t think much of John or Nikki and wanted to party. It was your typical pregaming with shitty booze and way too much of it. By 9 we decided to leave the apartment for a house party across campus. We took the campus bus which was packed with everyone heading out to their party spots. Once we arrived to the party the group split up with John and Nikki heading off. Gary, Robert and I went to find more mixed drinks and fun.

[MF] How I Got Started With [Cheating]

I LOVE women! To be specific I love the smooth curves and the way a woman tastes when she’s aroused. The first time I cheated was after my senior year of high school and we were all 18. I’m 31 so the new thing back then was the cell phone. Your average flip phone with a shitty camera. This little invention has been my best friend for cheating and keeping it secret!

Senior year I was dating a girl named Kate. It was a lot of fun, she was tall (5’8″), big smile, great boobs and an ass built for a thong! Loved to have sex on her pool table or outside during the summer on the trampoline. However Kate had a lack of confidence and would cry sometimes from being over emotional about us in the future. I don’t deal well with emotions, crying or indecision so I decided to test the waters and see what type of women I could find. Where do you look for your next girlfriend at that age??? It’s school and specifically it was the girl behind me in homeroom and who lived near me. Her name was Jamie; she was athletic, fair skinned and had this blonde hair that smelled like love in a shampoo bottle. What do you do then because Kate also went to the same school and people talk? You enter Jamie’s cell number into your phone and you put her in there as something believable i.e. The Marine recruiter who signed me up.