Birthday Blowies and a Meal with a Milf – Part 1

I had a lot of fun with the last story I wrote so I decided to play around a bit with something a little nostalgic for me. I hope you like it, and let me know what you think in the comments. Oh, and heads up, it’s a long one. Enjoy!

“My favorite is strawberry, what’s yours?” Piper loved to play the “*What’s your favorite…”* game. She had an innocent side to her, even if she did like to pretend she was a bad girl.

“My favorite pie is cherry.” I gave her a bit of a smirk and she shook her head. I think she got it.

Piper was 18 when she graduated high school and I was a year older than her. We had been dating for about 9 months and it was nearing the end of summer before she went off to college. It was my birthday, and we sat at the picnic table sipping on wine coolers we stole from her mom’s refrigerator. The warm summer breeze was blowing strands of her shoulder length, honey brown hair in her face, and clinging to the condensation rolling down her bottled piña colada.

An innocent massage for my sister in law. Part 4

Part 4

“Hey there sleepy head.”

I was jolted back to reality as I laid there, splayed out with my ankles and wrists bound and tied to my four post bed. I was being tortured by my wife Natalie and her sister Kristine. At least I was hoping that’s who it was; the blindfold wrapped around my head was tight. I could feel the cold air of the room move with every pass they made. My nipples felt like tiny little mountain peaks of granite, and goosebumps covered every inch of my cold skin like vast slopes of moguls.

“What the fuck, Nat.” I was honestly terrified. “Did you fucking roofy me or something?!”

“Roofy?” She let out an involuntary chuckle. “David, do you really think I would roofy you? Hun, I just slipped a little melatonin in your old fashioned while you were in the bathroom. Mixed with how exhausted you already were, it didn’t take much.”

“So yeah, you basi…”

“Shhhhh…” she was done hearing me speak. She had something pressed against my lips. “Open up.”

An innocent massage for my sister in law. Part 3

Thanks for all of the upvotes and great feedback so far! Please enjoy part 3.

I stood there motionless, and in complete shock. Confused couldn’t even begin to describe how I felt.

I just had one of the craziest sexual experiences of my life. My wife Natalie and I just had mind blowing sex, all while my sister in law Kristine was tonguing my taint.

They sat there cuddled up on the couch glaring at me; each of them wearing a smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

“What?” I sounded guilty. “What?!” I forced a smile in an attempt to hide it.

Natalie broke the tension. “Have I ever told you about the boyfriend I had in high school?”

“Yeah, Brian. What about him?” Thoughts started to ping pong throughout my mind.

“I never told you that he was Kristine’s boyfriend first.”

“Yeah, until this bitch here decided to steal him from me.” Kristine gave Nat a playful little shove.

“Hey, I didn’t steal him. You decided to share him.”

*Share him?*

Kristine let out a small chuckle. “You were constantly staring at him!”

An innocent massage for my former college athlete sister in law. Part 2 – 36M

Thanks for the positive feedback! I hope you enjoy Part 2.

Paranoia was taking over. I had just fucked my wife’s sister, and now they’re alone together at home while I’m on the road.

Would Kristine tell Nat what happened? Should I tell her?

Natalie was going to kill me. My marriage was definitely over. Every time I spoke to Natalie on the phone she was short and it was killing me. The guilt was eating me alive.

Three days and two sleepless nights had painfully and slowly drudged by, and now I was standing, frozen at the door about to greet my wife. I was trying to compose myself so the guilt wouldn’t be so obvious on my face. Then the door opened.

“Why are you just standing out here? Are you ok?”

An innocent massage for my former college athlete sister in law. 36M

Apologies in advance as this is waaaay longer than I expected. This started as non-fiction and ended in a bit of fantasy. Thanks for reading!

I’ve always had a bit of a crush on my wife’s (Natalie) younger sister (Kristine). She lives out of state, but when she comes into town it’s always a treat. Not just because she’s attractive, she’s genuinely fun to be around. My wife and her are both naturally beautiful, but in their own ways. So much so, that you’d probably never guess they were sisters at all. My wife is about 5′ 4″ with naturally blonde hair down to the middle of her back, a slim and delicate figure, with looks similar to Emma Stone. Her sister on the other hand is about 5′ 6″ with long auburn hair and all of the classic beauty of Audrey Hepburn, mixed with all of the voluptuousness of Scarlett Johansson. She was a former college volleyball player and I can still remember those skimpy little volleyball shorts that just barely reached the bottoms of her ass cheeks. You can tell by the way she carries herself she was a tomboy as a child, and keeps her body in a perpetually athletic shape. She has a scar above her right eye that splits her brow 60/40, so when she gives you a certain look, she seems fierce and sexy all at the same time.