Total Power Exchange- How I [M]ade My [F]riend My Slave [Heavy BDSM]

Once I got involved in BDSM, I got in real deep, real fast. I started going to munches (I hate that name, but here we are), meeting people, getting into the nitty gritty, even going to classes. Eventually that led me to develop a group of good friends, both men and women. I became a known quantity and trusted by the group. That led me to Megan.

This one isn’t one session, but the first time I got involved in a TPE situation. TPE stands for Total Power Exchange, and it means that the dom assumes total, 24/7 control over the sub’s life. Choosing clothes, approving plans, everything. Some folks who are super serious even do this without a safeword, which seems insane to me, but to each their own.

Megan and I originally met at a munch when she was just getting started, but nothing ever really came together. Later, after she had some experience and knew what she wanted, we got to talking about more extreme forms of kink. We started playing together and getting into more and more intense stuff.

[M]y Time As A Pro[f]essional Dom: Willa 2: Electric Boogaloo [CNC]

From the beginning of my experimenting with kink to the 6 months I worked as a professional dom was about a 2 year journey. During that time I had sex with a LOT of people, in a LOT of kinky ways. Less than 10% were women I dealt with professionally. We’ll get to the professional stories soon, but I have a few more I want to talk about first.

This story concerns Willa, who I mentioned in my first CNC story and who eventually hooked me up with the group that made me a professional dom. While I was the one who eventually worked professionally (albeit briefly), Willa was far kinkier than I ever was. While she was my sub (2 fantastic years), she wanted everything harder, rougher, with more toys, with more rules, something new, new, new.

This story takes place a few months after our first CNC scene. We had done several more, and one night she said to me, “Daddy, I think you should rape me without planning it. Wouldn’t it be nice to just rape your slut on a whim?” I smiled and responded with some vague dom comment that I can’t recall.

[M]y Time As A Pro[f]essional Dom: Leah

When I say I became a professional dom, I mean it in a limited sense. Essentially, one very kinky girl became quite taken with me and recommended me to all her friends. From there, I got more and more connected with the kink scene in LA, and got known for being able to do one thing reliably and safely: non-consent roleplay. Eventually, I was contacted by a group who sets up scenes for people for money. I saw 11 women over 6 months, all carefully vetted, and I never had to fuck anyone I didn’t want to.

But all that came later. First, the shy guy who has been in a vanilla relationship for most of his 20s had to learn how to get kinky. This story isn’t one of my kinkiest, but is still a fond memory. It’s about a girl named Leah.

We had already been on one date where we had ended up back at my place. She was a little vanilla for my tastes, but very enthusiastic. And she had the best head game I think I’ve ever encountered. (It was a total body thing for her, she absolutely devoured my cock.)

[M]y Time As A Pro[f]fessional Dom: Mackenzie [CNC] [Food, kinda]

It was 2016 and I was still heartbroken. After moving down to LA, I had just come out of a seven-year long relationship, complete with engagement, life plans, and cat. I lost the cat, too.

With money to burn and time to kill, I started getting involved in kink. I tried to master it like a skill, I did research, I experimented, I went to meetups and literally took classes. Eventually, it started paying off and I got something of a reputation.

It was around this time that my consistent hookup Willa (from my first story) said to me what every guy longs to hear: “I want you to fuck my friend.” Before this, I had considered myself kind of a dud who was lucky to be in the relationship I had. However, after working out constantly for a year, I had put on some muscle, learned how to dress, and actually had, god forbid, some swagger. In many ways, though, I was still that nervous, insecure kid, so having my ego (and potentially my cock) stroked in that way was intoxicating.

Her friend was Mackenzie, was a USC girl who had strong [Alison Pill]( vibes. Not everybody’s cup of tea, but the innocent thing really works for me, soooo…

The [F]irst of [M]any CNC Experiences

For most of my 20s, I was in a deeply loving but sexless and stunted relationship. So I suppose it shouldn’t have surprised me when, after we moved to LA together, the relationship collapsed. I was 27, reasonably good-looking, wealthy, I had only ever had vanilla sex, and I was broken-hearted. What’s a guy to do?

I went on a rampage, naturally. The last time I had been single was 2008, and the game had changed since then. I got on Tinder and Bumble and all the things. I fucked a dozen of my friends, and a couple dozen less-than-friends.

Early on in the rampage, I met Willa. She was the type of girl I had always assumed was out of my league, but there she was, agreeing to go on a date with me. Then another. Then another, what the hell? Then a fancy restaurant, then she was at my front door, then I pushed her inside, then sex on the kitchen floor, and then and then and then…

A few hours later, we were on my bed and she was monologuing about how her grandmother had survived a concentration camp, which was an odd story to hear while I could feel her drying on my dick, but life is all about new experiences, so what the hell. She paused and licked her lips.