I screwed the crew… [FM]

First time I saw him I thought to myself, “yup, this one.”

He was my age, already fully qualified but I was just a trainee when we first met.. A little shorter than me but this is no issue, I actually kind of have a thing for shorter guys. Makes life at 5’11” a little easier. Kind brown eyes and long ginger hair with a well groomed beard to match then short hair and a beard. Then short hair and no beard. Didn’t matter, it all suited him anyway. We ended up fast friends and when he left, I really regretted letting my chance slip away.

Then, about a year and a half later, when I’d also left the company and was home visiting parents, he happened to be in the same town. By this time the beard had grown back (good, I like facial hair). Of course we met up and the alcohol began to flow and the joints began to burn as in the old days. Eventually, once we’d grown tired of catching up, we put on some series and sat on the couch.

His knee starts brushing against mine. I let a hand linger on his leg. His arm goes over my shoulder

[MF] My First Big Cock

I had just got back from a week off visiting family and I was keen to get back in the water. But first, the mundane stuff. Carrying dive gear, settling people into rooms, making sure they knew their dive times… made me fall asleep where I stood.

“Check-ins are here!”

I make my way to the van and I freeze where I stand. He’s cute, Asian looking, tall, cuddly build but not quite fat. He sees me staring at him and I stutter out a hello, then get back to work.

I check the board and I’ve been put on the dive with him the next day. Turns out his dad runs the tour company and they specialise in French clients – great news for me since I speak the language. He makes a point of sitting next to me on the boat, constantly purring in my ear statements like “Guess I’ll have to get you wet without any dive gear” and teasing me ever so subtly.

The next night I get my pizza and sit at the restaurant. He joins me and we start talking. Turns out we play the same games and have a similar, flirty sense of humour about us. Eventually I cave. “Come to my room in a couple minutes” I say.