[M]y [F]irst one night stand with a coworker when I had a long-term girlfriend…

*This got incredibly long with some back story up front. Skip down to asterisks if you want to really just read the sexy stuff…

Many years ago in college, I worked as a bartender/server at a chain restaurant and bar, and my coworkers and I would get together just about every night after work to drink and blow off steam after our shifts. Anyone who wasn’t closing would typically stay and have a couple drinks at work, then head to a nearby dive bar to keep things going or a house to afterparty.  Summertime was another story, as every night was a chance to drink too much, hook up with each other, and do it all over again the next day. It was a glorious existence.

The best thing as a young man about working in a restaurant was the amount of stunning women I worked with as a bartender/server. They all knew they could make a ton of money by wearing tight tops, flashing their smiles, and laughing at bad jokes.  They were all very attractive and fun girls, and smart enough to know how to use it.