[F] My perfect playmate.

I had wanted him for a long time. I didn’t need to ingratiate myself with him nor him me, it was natural. We had a mutual liking for one another,that was clear. He wasn’t shy though, in fact I knew just how bold he was so I couldn’t understand why he hadn’t made his move, and then…finally… an opportunity…we went for after work drinks with the team. 

My body ached all night for him and my lips tingled in anticipation of his. I wasn’t getting my way tonight though. 

I message him the next morning..”are you coming in today?” “I think it would be worth your while” 

and then nothing but silence from him. 

Then he appears, polished as always with a look of determination on his face. I know he’s here for me. Am I ready for this I think to myself?