Daddy daughter secret messages (update)

After the initial shock of my daughter wanting to bear me a son wore off, I finally started to accept the idea. We didn’t do anything that night she handed me her note, or for over a week after that, but we did maintain our normal routine. No flirting in public or around my wife, just when we knew it was safe.
After I started to be ok with the idea of starting another family with my daughter, I kept it to myself to think about it more until I was ready to act on it.
After dinner one night, my wife went out to the garage to look for some wine and I used that opportunity to talk to my daughter. She was on the couch and I said “so I’ve been thinking about what you said last week.”
It took her a few moments to register what I was saying and then she turned her head towards me with an inquisitive look as if silently asking “And????!!!!”
I heard the back door to the garage open, so I quickly, and quietly, finished with “I want an heir.”
She smiled really big and got up off the couch. She realized her mom was coming in so she just kept smiling and went to her room. A few moments later I got a text: “when daddy?”
I text back: “tonight after mom goes to sleep.”
Her reply: “❤️❤️”

[F/d] Daddy/daughter secret messages

It has been a few days since our daddy/daughter date night and we both tried to act normal around my wife. We had agreed to try and be normal as much as possible when others were around to be safe, which seemed to be working.
As we were all watching tv in the living room, my daughter decided to go upstairs and take a shower. As she left, she shot me a glance, but we both knew I couldn’t do anything with my wife there, so I let her go. After a few minutes I got the idea that I wanted my daughter to know I loved her and was thinking about her so I walked upstairs to her room and picked out some panties and pajamas and laid them in her bed nicely before returning downstairs. I picked out the same panties with daisies I had picked out before. A subtle nod to that night and a slight hint.
About 30 minutes later, she came downstairs, hair wet, and started brushing her hair on the sofa by her mom.
“Want me to braid your hair?” I asked.
She giggled for a sec and said “dad, you haven’t braided my hair since I was like…10!”
As she said that, I could see the wheels clicking in her mind and she quickly changed her tone.
“But sure, you can braid my hair. My hands hurt.”
She walked over to the recliner and sat on the floor between my legs. As I was getting ready to braid, she turned around and handed me two hair ties and then used her eyes to suggest I look down. She turned back around to face the tv and leaned forward a bit, being careful to keep her eyes on her mother so she wouldn’t see. She quickly pulled her pajama bottom out to expose the daisy panties I’d picked out.
That’s my girl, I thought. She knew I’d like that.
I got to work on her hair and since we couldn’t do anything with my wife there, I was done pretty quickly.
My wife smiled and said “I haven’t seen you do that in forever. It’s so sweet seeing y’all together like that.” She went back to watching tv.
My daughter got up and gave me a wink as she said “thank you daddy! My hair is gonna be super curly in the morning!”
She went upstairs real quick and came back with a coloring book and some crayons. Instead of sitting back down next to my wife, she laid down on the floor next to my recliner on her tummy and watched tv while coloring.
I asked what she was coloring and she said “I’m coloring something special for you!”
I smiled and continued to watch tv and stare at her beautiful body as she lay next to me. I couldn’t help but think of that night and all the places I kissed and touched. The feeling I felt when she said she wanted me to put a baby girl in my baby girl. My body ached just thinking about it.
A few minutes later she handed me the page she colored. On the side, in pen, she wrote the note:

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Dear diary – Hump day quickie to strengthen our bond

Although we text or talk everyday, it had been a few days since I’d seen Mark in person. I could tell I was about to start ovulating and I was needing to scratch that itch pretty bad. I asked him if he was available on Monday but I ended up having to do some extra things for work. It wasn’t until Wednesday when we could see each other. I took a shower and was all cleaned up and ready to go. I ran some errands and was looking forward to our time together later that day, but my sister called and stressed me out a bit. With other work commitments being thrown on me, I realized our window for fun wouldn’t be very big but I couldn’t let another day go by without seeing him so I texted “I just found out I have to go to another office this afternoon…quickie at 2 ok? I’ll
Only have about 15 minutes”

He texted back that it was fine and couldn’t wait to see me. I knocked down a few more errands and on the way back home to see him my sister called again all hysterical. I was able to get off the phone with her before walking in the house though and I could tell Mark knew something was wrong. I spent a few minutes telling him what happened before I realized I was wasting time.

Mom’s jealousy

As many of you know, my sister Jenn and I have been together for a few years now and only recently introduced our mom into this “lifestyle”. I’m currently the head of our household but it’s mostly me and my mom at home as Jenn is still in college finishing up her senior year.

First and foremost let me say that my mom and sister are my soulmates. They are my perfect match in every way. I love them both differently, but completely, and I know they love me too. I’ve noticed my mother, however, has a slight competitive streak in her. She knows Jenn is family and isn’t going anywhere, but she still has a slight nervousness about her. Or at least it feels that way.

A single moms Valentine

It’s been years since your divorce and the hectic hustle and bustle of life has mostly distracted you from one of the nicer parts of a relationship – Valentine’s Day. Yes, flowers and chocolates can be a bit cliche, but at this point, you’d take anything just to feel desired and wanted again. You miss those days . . . crave those days.

It’s now 10 years since you’ve received a Valentine’s Day and little do you know how that is about to change . . . and tonight’s events will turn your world upside down!

Categorized as Erotica

My mom’s dwindling panty supply and her Green Day shirt incident

An unintended consequence popped up this week for us. My mom mentioned her panty supply was getting low and she needed more. The moment she said it, I knew it was all my fault. I have a tendency to be a bit rough and just pull or rip her panties when I want her. It’s funny, because I don’t do this with Jenn, just my mom. I think it’s all having to do with my dad, but that’s a huge rabbit hole! They don’t always rip apart, just rip enough to not be usable.
Anyway, yes, we have to stock up on panties and I’ll do my best not to keep pulling them and ripping them!

It’s the Green Day shirt incident that has been the highlight of this week, however. So my mom has always been a fan of Green Day and only has one remaining shirt. She happened to be wearing it one of the days we messed around, but wanted to take it off. I insisted she keep it on, but I could tell it wasn’t something she wanted. I think she thought I liked the band too, but I just remember her wearing it when I was a kid and my dad liked her wearing it.

Dear diary (update) – mental notes from mom, Jenn, and Mark


I think we’re settling into our new normal after the events of this weekend. Jenn went back to school Sunday night, leaving me and Mark here together. I’ve noticed Mark being more attentive to both me and Jenn, which is such a nice change. I’m still not sure how things will play out in the long run. There’s still an unknown factor to all this that I’m not sure how to plan for. Not sure if planning for it’s even possible tbh.
That unknown feeling is mostly around Mark. Jenn has always been the following type. She’ll keep in line just fine. And so will I. Not sure what kind of leader Mark will be for this family. Case in point, yesterday morning’s incident. Can’t keep my mind off it.

Dear diary, my dream came true!!!!

I swear to god, I need to hide this diary! My daughter Jenn found my diary and read it all! ALL! I’d normally be pissed but everything in it is so benign up until Valentine’s Day! Apparently she found it looking for a pair of shoes of hers I borrowed and like an idiot, I left my diary by the bed in the exact same spot Mark found it. I didn’t expect her to be home but she needed to decompress for a few days while she did her classes online and needed to get off campus for a few days. I always enjoy my kids being back home but talk about perfect timing. So how did this make my dream come true? Rewind back to Wednesday.

I wasn’t at home but Jenn came back home and let herself in. A few hours later I got back home and was excited to see her but she looked a bit nervous. She brushed it off as if nothing was wrong and we enjoyed the night for the most part.
Woke up Thursday and made them both breakfast. After breakfast, Mark left to go to work. It was while I was cleaning up and doing the dishes that she finally confronted me.

Found Mom’s diary

When I woke up this morning, mom looked so beautiful laying there. She was on her side, facing away from me and I could make out the outline of her curves through the sheet My mind, flooded with the events from the past few days, wasn’t sure what was real and what was imagination. Had these days actually happened or was it some fucked up dream that felt so real I could practically feel the cum in my boxers?

A moment later as I moved my leg I looked down – yeah, scratch that . . . there WAS cum in my boxers. Just wasn’t sure whose it was. Mine? Hers? Both?

I stood up to stretch and walked over to see her laying there. Every inch of her was beautiful. The way her hair laid across her face, that subtle sense that she was completely relaxed and happy. I was about to walk away to jump in the shower when I noticed her diary by the edge of the bed. Against my better judgement, I picked it up quietly and thumbed through it when I came to the day after Valentine’s Day, her last entry. I walked back to my side of the bed and sat down to read it.

A single moms Valentine

It’s been years since your divorce and the hectic hustle and bustle of life has mostly distracted you from one of the nicer parts of a relationship – Valentine’s Day. Yes, flowers and chocolates can be a bit cliche, but at this point, you’d take anything just to feel desired and wanted again. You miss those days . . . crave those days.

It’s now 10 years since you’ve received a Valentine’s Day and little do you know how that is about to change . . . and tonight’s events will turn your world upside down!