Watching [M]y [F]riends sex tape

A group of us had got together the other day, whilst everyone was out of earshot, she suddenly happily announced that she had some new nudes on her phone.

“Show me then” I said, almost too quickly.
“Not of me” she replied.
“And?” I questioned.

She shrugged and carried on scrolling through her phone. I thought nothing of it and we carried on with what we were doing. Later in the evening, we went to pick up a takeaway for dinner, whilst we were waiting in the car she was on her phone again. “There’s a video of me giving head too” she said, casually tilting the phone slightly in my direction. “Show me” I said. Her response this time, was to simply hand me her phone.

It was on the gallery, not the video in question. It appeared that all of the images were completely innocent and safe, all except one.

“Where is it?” I asked.
“It’s there, but you’ll have to play it yourself” she said. “I can’t *actually* show you.”

Finding [M]y [F]riend naked on Reddit: Part 3

So, the feeling of guilt from part 2 led me to my first ever post. Now if you can recall from part 1, she had asked whether I would ever post. So when I did, I obviously told her about it. No links, no hints, but I told her all the same. Did she go looking for it as I had done hers? At this point I had no idea.

She had some questions about it, did I think she would recognise me, when did I post it, was it full body, or just a close up? When I admitted that it was just a close up, she said that she wasn’t sure she would recognise it, which was unfair as I would stand a better chance at recognising her. I had enjoyed the thrill of posting and so agreed to post a full body, to even the odds. Once that was done, the questions moved on to what was the title, what was my username?

“I can’t tell you that” I said, “I may as well send you a link if I was going to do that”
“Okay, how about, what sub?” She asked.
“You never told me that?” I replied
“But you didn’t ask” she responded

Finding [M]y [F]riend naked on Reddit: Part 2

So there I was staring at a naked woman on the Internet, nothing special about that, but this one I knew, this one, was my friend. I’d seen a glimpse of her tits before, but nothing like this, this was the whole thing. When she said she had posted, I was expecting her boobs, maybe a bit of bum, perhaps even just some sexy underwear. Nothing as exposed as this.

My brain was working overtime, trying to take it all in, I still hadn’t worked out how I even knew it was her, but I just did. I’d known her for over a decade at this point, we had always played it close to the line with our conversations, maybe a bit of flirting now and then, I’d even seen a picture of her topless before but only as she very quickly scrolled through to something else on her phone. I wasn’t sure what I thought my reaction should be. What did she think my reaction would be?

Finding [M]y [F]riend naked on Reddit

So as a bit of background, I’ve got this friend, I’ve known her for a very long time. We’ve never really had the typical boundaries that most friends do. We would talk about almost anything and in great detail too!  It has led to some interesting conversations in the past but this was a first!

Out of nowhere I got a text, I managed to read the preview as “I did it”, before the message was deleted seconds later. I replied asking what she had done. “Damn…you saw it…erm…nothing”, she responded. Obviously, my interest was piqued.

I continued to question and after some back and forth, she hinted enough that I was pretty sure I had sussed it. “Does it involve Reddit?” I asked. “Yes”, she said. I knew exactly what she had done now. Something I’d encouraged her to do for a while, but never quite believed she would. But here she was, telling me that she had done something, something that I never truly expected, something that involved naughty photos and the Internet. I wasn’t sure what to do next, did I ask for a link? Did I look for it myself? Did I praise her for having the balls to do it and hope it boosted her confidence as I had tried to convince her that it would?