[MF] Could this be called maid service?

One more tale from the vault. This is the last really insane one. I’ve had plenty of other experiences at events, but they are usually more mundane, never getting much crazier than a clandestine quickie against a forklift in the service corridor or a rousing game of Celebrity Strip Cards Against Humanity.

This is another one of those stories that has a postscript to the action that makes it all the better IMO. Not sure why, but I seem to have a thing for knowing what happened when others don’t.


Anyhow, here it is.

I was at a con one year that had a maid cafe. I somehow pulled the short straw, and had to report for setup duty at 6AM on Saturday morning (This is the WORST shift imaginable, since you can’t stay up on Friday night.) I was assigned to help set up the maid cafe. I head to where I am supposed to be, and a friend of mine (Deacon) is there. We start setting up, and he tells me that he brought his 18 year-old sister, Elly, this year, and that she was going to be participating in the cafe. I told him that was cool, and we kept on working.

[MFF] The gift of lights, camera, action!

A little primer for this next one. When I’m not up to my elbows in con happenings, I work as a freelance photographer and occasional IT drone.

I feel pretty awful about this one, really. I crossed a personal line, and despite the fact that I’ve crossed that same line again a few times since (with the same person), it’s never been anything that I was actively getting off the the wrongness of. I know that’s kind of a buzzkill before a story like this, but I feel it’s warranted. Anyway, disclaimer aside, here we go.

I was at con with some friends of mine. There was a couple (Rob and Jen), and 2 other friends, one male (Ben, not important here), and one female (Heather, definitely important here.) They were/are not a couple. We had a suite with a sitting area that had a pull out sleeper couch and a cot in it, and two bedroom areas, each with a king size bed.

Rob and Jen took one bedroom, and I took the other, because I was the one who got us the sweet room upgrade. Ben and Heather were left to figure out things in the sitting area. Rob and Jen also worked at the con, Ben and Heather did not. We all got settled in and hit the bar. Nothing exciting happened that night.

More cosplay craziness [MF]

Considering my last story was well received, I’ll go ahead and tell about another one that happened to me. I work at a lot of comic/anime cons, so most of my really crazy experiences happen at these. Anyone who has been to enough cons can tell you that if freaky sex shit is going to happen to you, this is where it’s most likely to happen.

The first year I was working one of my cons, I was completely alone in my hotel room. The room came free with the work, and I didn’t think to parse out space for friends or for merch money. The first night (Thursday) I spent alone. The second day, the weather was absolutely brutal (nearly 100 degrees, with plenty of humidity.) Everyone in costume was absolutely dripping with sweat, and having 30,000 people in space designed for half of that wasn’t helping anyone.

Getting her costume ready [MF]

Warning: Long

This story happened a fairly long time ago. I was a virgin at the time.

I was starting to get ready my first comic book / anime / gaming con. A friend of mine, Rebecca was trying to get a costume together in time for the con, and hadn’t really thought far enough ahead. We were trying to come up with something simple but effective, and we are poring over everything we can think of, movies, comics, manga and anime alike, looking for something that was both suitably easy and suitably impressive. We eventually settled on Morrigan from Darkstalkers, because it was simple colors, and could be fashioned from simple and inexpensive components.

We were quickly able to find purple, semi transparent leggings and a black lycra bodysuit, as well as some material to make the gloves (since they are fingerless, it was way easier to just stitch something that find gloves the right shape and color). She got herself into the bodysuit, and when she came out into the room, her nipples were quite prominently pushing outward from under the incredibly thin material. I did my best not to notice, and we were starting to make the necessary alterations. We cut the heart out, revealing even more of her gorgeous breasts than was already exposed. I managed to not stare and continued. We feathered the straps, giving me a few more glorious peeks at the significant swells of her breasts.