I [M] ended up fucking my new roommate [F] after hanging out at the Strip Club. And Damn did I regret it.

I used to live in a five bedroom apartment in a big city. We had a rotating company of roommates, many who I found through Facebook connections and your occasional Craigslist hit. It was co-ed but everyone range between 23-33. It was a diverse group of people and while it may seem crowded, we actually all barely saw each other half worked in the service industry, while the other half worked on their residency in the nearby hospital. We were all friendly but there was an unspoken rule of “try not to fuck your roommate, physically, financially, emotionally etc.” I was the only one on the lease so everyone pretty much paid me so I was responsible for also vetting prospects. A roommate was leaving to work in a lab two hours away so I had to fill the spot. There were some great prospects but I posted a search on FB and someone had recommended a friend of a friend named Sarah. Coincidently, I’d work on a project in which Sarah was assistant number two to the principle talent and we had some brief interactions. She’s the quintessential “Chill girl” her hobbies included smoking weed, knitting and listening to music. Physically, I’d say she’s 5’6 tan skin, small b cup breasts and a gorgeous robust bootie. Her celebrity doppleganer would most aptly be 75% Aubrey Plaza.

[F]riend with benefits gets a pixie haircut, [M]ake love all night after dry spell.

It had been two years since I had gotten legitimately laid. A terrible breakup, a bit of depression and a whole lot of “distract myself with work”created the perfect one two punch of involuntary celibacy. At 27 I lived with 4 other roommates in a five room duplex on the second floor of a two floor apartment building, coincidently we were all guys, some worked at the local hospital as researchers while I worked in creative. It was a pretty sweet pad, we all made decent money so for a bunch of dude’s in their mid tweeties, we had some pretty sweet amenities, which you would assume, would attract non-residents to want to come hang at our place but the reality was that a bunch of medical academics are the least socially attractive people you would choose to spend any day of the week with. The room’s layout we’re awful, the doors and barriers were so thin you could hear everyone snoring or jerking off when nature called. Taking a shit required one to blast some music.