My Dark Hero: Final Parts [Romantic/Erotica/Fantasy]

**Chapter Thirteen**


I woke up to a low hanging sun, blinding me through the window. Amy was next to me, still asleep. I didn’t want to wake her, although I was dying for a cup of coffee. So, I carefully lifted the sheet and rolled away.

But I wouldn’t be getting up for coffee.

My heart stopped as the smell of blood struck my nose. I didn’t move, hoping I was mistaken, only to see the white blanket had changed its color to a dark and soaking red.

Time froze, because I wasn’t ready for what came next. I was simply too scared to turn around. My body started shaking as the thoughts of Amy being gone became more realistic.

“You have to look sometime, Kincaid.” A husky voice said from the corner of the room.

It was Chamberlin.

“Go on. I’ll let you say your goodbyes, because I’m a nice guy. And you tell Jesus that when you get there.”

I had to make sure it was real. I had to turn around.

My Dark Hero: Part Twelve [Romantic/Erotica/Fantasy]

**Chapter Twelve**


Without much care for my injury, I pushed Kincaid onto his back. Then I slowly mounted him, massaging his cock with my pussy as I got more comfortable. My moist lips rubbing the length of his muscle made it jolt successively every two or three seconds, and I could feel the distinct thumping against my clit.

Only minutes after he went outside to get firewood, a weird feeling rose inside me. It was angry and frustrated. It was so intense it made my stomach turn. And the only way I could think about making it better was to follow Kincaid outside…and fuck him. When he stepped back into the cabin the feeling overwhelmed every logical sense I had.

This is what I thought about as I gripped his enraged muscle and pulled down on the sensitive skin, paying attention to every curve and vein. His shaft was hot against my palm and my fingers barely managed to close around it. That feeling could only be subsided by Kincaid, which he was about to do.

My Dark Hero: Part Eleven [Romantic/erotica/fantasy]

**Chapter Eleven**


I couldn’t think of one person I could talk to without pre-screening my sentences. Every conversation had to be meticulously executed, from the words I said to how I said them. Nobody, at any point, was allowed to doubt that I was a cold-blooded maniac.

Unlike my fellow upper class criminals, I didn’t have an army following me around for protection. I did the grunt work myself, and Frank lightened the load. That’s it. I had many contacts and regular employees, but I always took care of business myself. The fact that I managed to survive so long created a stigma inside my unlawful circles, and it seemed like most of my enemies just eventually stopped trying to kill me.

But with Amy there was no pre-screening. My words were thoughtless and my spirit free. I was by no means tired of staying the phantom people made me out to be, but I ached for Amy’s respect, and love. And I wouldn’t get either with my asshole approach.

In the last few hours I went from being nothing to something, simply because she found some comfort in my arms. For the first time I did something that actually held meaning and purpose. But maybe it was too much, too fast.

My Dark Hero: Part Ten [Romantic/Erotica/Fantasy]

**Chapter Ten**


An awkward silence followed after Ben left. I kept staring out the window, unable to think of an opening sentence that didn’t involve me getting angry. Kincaid was so intense, and infuriating, and too much for me to handle emotionally. I kept thinking about the consequences of just giving myself to him, objectively weighing them against the aftermath of going back to living without him.

The latter made the most sense, but the former was the most enticing.

I had every reason to run downstairs, grab a knife and gut him. Apart from the probability that the police would arrest me on sight, I could barely move my arm without a jolt of pain ripping through my muscles. Not to mention all the time I invested in my internship, now completely wasted. Granted, I never saw myself in advertising, but it was a job I could respect myself for.

My Dark Hero: Part Nine [Romantic/Erotica/Fantasy]

>**Chapter Nine**


I could hear Amy and Ben talking, but their words were a blur as I kept drifting in and out of consciousness. I didn’t pay much attention to the room I was in or the nauseous feeling in my stomach. All I needed to know was that she survived, and that she was safe. Why I had this obsessive desire to be near her still eluded me, and the need became more demanding.

When I finally managed to stay awake it was early in the morning. I couldn’t tell what day it was, only that I was in someone’s cabin. The yellow flower curtains were pulled open, and a breakfast tray was waiting at the side of my bed. It seemed like the perfect little getaway in the middle of nowhere.

“I probably lost my internship.” Amy’s voice glided through the air and woke me up like a shot of adrenalin.

She was standing in the doorway, sporting a heavily bandaged upper arm and shoulder. Her tight black top stretched perfectly over her perky breasts and toned stomach, while her jeans clung so smoothly around her legs I could see her thigh muscles twitching.

My Dark Hero: Part Eight [Romantic/Erotica/Fantasy]

**Chapter Eight**


I woke up to the soothing voice of an elderly woman with the most beautiful blue eyes.

“Ah, my patient is finally awake. How are you feeling, dear?” She asked as she fluffed my pillows and pulled down the sheets.

Her grey hair was tied in a bun on top of her head, and the fine lines across her face told me she had seen her share of challenges.

“Sore…and thirsty.” I managed to say with a very dry mouth.

She smiled while picking up a cup of ice chips from the nightstand, which she placed in my hand – the one that wasn’t throbbing with pain. I dropped a few chips in my mouth and just enjoyed the sensation of being able to move my tongue normally for a few seconds.

“I honestly didn’t think miracles happened anymore, but you two proved me wrong last night.” The elderly lady continued, shaking her head as she spoke.

“Miracles?” I asked, more confused than before.

My Dark Hero: Part Seven [Romantic/erotica/fantasy]

Chapter Seven


I grabbed the edge of the table and rolled to the side, pulling the table with me to create some kind of cover. Just before we hit the floor the first bullet lodged into the wood, creating mass hysteria around us, followed by more shots. I don’t know how, but for some reason I see shit coming a few seconds ahead of time.

Call it a gift, but I believed it was the silver lining in my loveless life.

I covered Amy’s body with mine while I figured out the best course of action. Without any clothes on I felt even more vulnerable, until I saw Amy’s gun a few feet away. Still covering Amy as best I could, I reached for it.

It felt like my power returned with the cold steel against my palm, because it was my turn to shoot back. I stood up and took a split second to sum up my targets, all the while bullets were flying past my ears and over my head.

My Dark Hero: Part Six [Romantic/erotica/fantasy]

**Chapter Six**


Neither of us said a word in the car. After demanding I get in, and helping me get fired, there was no way in hell the conversation would be flowing from my side. I just stared out the passenger window, totally detached.

Keeping to the speed limit, Kincaid took me further than the restaurant where I didn’t work anymore. The radio was playing softly in the background, while the purring engine and the lights of the city lullabied me into a type of trance state. It felt like I was on some kind of drug, consisting of childhood hopelessness and acid. When the shiny Mustang finally came to a stop in front of a restaurant I never knew existed, the drug began to wear off.

A valet approached my door, but Kincaid signaled him to back off.

“If you drive with me then I open your door. It’s a safety precaution.”

It seemed like the trip hypnotized Kincaid as well, because he sounded different – more respectful, if that was even possible.

My Dark Hero: Part Four & Five [Romantic/Erotica/Fantasy]

**Chapter Four**


I couldn’t sleep, and for two days straight I was a zombie, walking around the house without any direction. I dumped most of my responsibilities on Frank while I thought about things I should’ve left in the past, including my parents. I did the most dangerous thing any man in my position could do, which was to reflect on his life.

My father wasn’t a good man, but he was a good father. And although my mother knew what he did for a living, she chose to ignore it. It was by no means the perfect family, but it was a family nonetheless. She knew the risks and she loved him anyway. For years I thought about how stupid they were to fall in love in the first place, only to get lost myself.

My self-reflection took a turn for the worst when Amy began to dominate the illusions. I kept thinking what it would be like to wake up next to her every morning. I tried to imagine the sound of her laughter, and what type of music she liked. I slouched from one room to the next, envisioning her in each one, doing something…anything…as if everything belonged to her, including me.

My Dark Hero: Part Three [Romantic/erotica/fantasy]

**Chapter Three**


Just as Kincaid predicted, three days went by before Daniel got released. Apart from the broken ribs he had several other bruises and minor injuries. From what I experienced in that workshop, he could’ve looked much worse.

We shared an apartment, because neither of us could afford one on our own. In terms of friends and family, we didn’t have any. Before Daniel managed to get a job as a gas-station attendant, and a cheap room at a rundown motel, we were in and out of foster homes. All the moving and the drama pretty much screwed our chances of getting close to anyone. Daniel eventually dropped out of school thanks to all the insanity, but somehow I pushed through with his financial support.

I was still mad at him though, even in his broken state. He made me do something I never thought I would, and as far as he was concerned I never went near Kincaid. In other words, I allowed him to think he still had a death sentence. I had to punish him somehow.

“I don’t see the point of being home. Hell, I’m surprised they didn’t kill me in the hospital.” Daniel said with his typical dry humor.