Supernatural Erotica: Who Let the Succubus In?-Chapter 1 [Femdom] [French kissing] [Spanking] [Noncon][Blowjob] [Licking] [Blackmail] [Aggressive riding] [Ball sucking] [Monster girl]

19 year old Seth opened his eyes slowly as he heard his mother’s voice call him from downstairs. He groggily sat up in his bed, his shoulder length black hair soaked with sweat. Then he pushed the blanket away, allowing his naked, pale body to be bathed in the warm sunlight that streamed in through his bedroom window. His body was lean, and yet still gracile and femme. His morning hood stood monolithic in the sunlight, all 7.5 inches of it, and normally he would deflate it, but he didn’t have the time this morning.

Throwing on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, Seth sauntered over to his door and braced himself for the “new member of the family” he was about to meet. Last month, his mother had adopted a Succubus from one of the countless “Homeless Succubus” organisations that have been popping up since the “mass appearance”.

So basically, there was an overpopulation of Succubi in the Netherrealm (mostly because they were fucking everything and everyone), so the governments of the Netherrealm had given the Succubi population a choice. Be culled or move into the Human world. And the governments of Earth had stupidly agreed. And because most of the Succubi were too lazy to go into the workforce, tons of shitty charity organisations popped up to help the perpetually horny whores find themselves a family to mooch off of.

Fantasy Erotica: Stripping the Petals [MF] [Taboo] [Incest] [Breast/Nipple play] [Handjob] [Riding] [Frenching] [Soft] [Loving]

Summary: A 118 year old Dark Elf has still not lost the petals of virginity, so his older sister decides to rectify it.

Sothin sat alone on the balcony of his family’s fortress, and bathed in the cool night air. His pale green eyes stared up at the cloudy sky, and then his eyes traveled to the plump moon that sat within a large gap in the choking wave of clouds. He felt a soft breeze blow over him and rustle his raven black, shoulder-length hair and he inhaled the freshness of night’s aether.

Today had been his 118th birthday, so he was now considered a young adult in his clan. Seeing as Dark Elves did not typically form monogamous relationships, his father was not in his life and thus the ceremonial wine marking would be done by his uncles. But Sothin had no uncles, his mother had been his grandmother’s only child and he had no older brothers either. There was only his two older sisters, Saffa the eldest and Gazea (Saffa was older than him by 33 years, while Gazea was 28). Neither of them had any male partners to partake in the ceremony.

Supernatural Erotica: Tyler and the Succubus Chapter 3 [MF] [Fdom] [Futa] [Noncon] [Oral] [Anal]

Through the gag, Tyler gasps at the profoundly unbelievable and deeply terrifying sight in front of him. He thrashes against his binds, desperate to escape this horrible house and the grinning demoness that looms over him.

Nox lets out a wild laugh and then says “Don’t bother welp… you are not getting away from me.”

Like a cat about to devour its prey, Nox crawls over Tyler and her yellow eyes take hold of his own and then make his whole body become limp. Tyler’s eyes dart around frantically, he attempts to continue his struggle, but finds himself completely frozen to the spot.

Shutting her lustful eyes, Nox’s opens her mouth and reveals to Tyler her long, pointed and saliva washed tongue. She moans as she begins to lick Tyler’s face and then she slowly drags her tongue downwards over his abs, and then she moves lower, to wrap her slithering tongue around Tyler’s penis.

Nox looks up at Tyler, his eyes are terrified and pleading, wanting her to stop. She just smiles cruelly at him, before her salivating mouth completely engulfs his penis. Ferociously, she sucks and slurps it, moans begin to emit from Tyler’s mouth, a grotesque mixture of pain and carnal pleasure.

Supernatural Erotica: Tyler and the Succubus Chapter 2 [MF] [Fdom] [Futa] [Noncon] [Oral] [Anal]

Tyler walks down the stairs, his testicles still ache and his mind is groggy, and still puzzling over just what had happened last night. He enters the kitchen, and sees his mother eating breakfast. Her blue eyes widen with concern, as they lay upon her frazzled looking son.

“Mum something very weird happened last night.”

“I can see…” Responded Tyler’s mother, rather jokingly.

“It isn’t funny mum. I woke up last night with the frigging covers and my pants off me, and my balls were aching like hell.” Tyler replies.

“Hmm…” His mother ponders for a second before replying “Maybe you were moving around in your sleep, and knocked the blankets off of you, dislodged your pyjama bottoms and accidentally hit your testicles. Might be because you were sleeping in a strange bed.”

“Still a little weird for my pants to completely come off me though, even if I was kicking about.” Tyler muses.

His mother having finished her breakfast, gets up and deposits it into the sink. Whilst she cleans it, she looks over to Tyler as he opens the fridge and then says, “I wouldn’t worry about it Tyler. Stuff like this just happens sometimes.”

Supernatural Erotica: Tyler and the Succubus [MF] [Fdom] [Futa] [Noncon] [Oral] [Anal]

**Chapter 1**

Sitting in the backseat of his single mother’s car, is 18 year old Tyler Wexell. One hand is cupping his chin and his pale green eyes are bored and lazily stare out at the trees as they passed his mother’s car. His mother had purchased a large house just outside of town, it was an old house that had recently been refurbished and renovated.

Unexpectedly, Tyler was completely unbothered by the move. He would rather a big house to live in (for now at least until he gets his own place), rather than the small bungalow he and his mother have lived in since he was born. He may be farther away from his girlfriend, but he can still always walk or drive over to her house.

“We’re here!” His mother says, her voice bright and excited.

As Tyler’s eyes fall upon his and his mother’s new domicile, he almost gasps. It was a huge, three story house that honestly looked like a mansion. Tyler is in utter awe as he examines the house top to bottom.

“Jeez, looks like we got a good deal with this mum.” Tyler says, smiling at his mother.