19 year old Seth opened his eyes slowly as he heard his mother’s voice call him from downstairs. He groggily sat up in his bed, his shoulder length black hair soaked with sweat. Then he pushed the blanket away, allowing his naked, pale body to be bathed in the warm sunlight that streamed in through his bedroom window. His body was lean, and yet still gracile and femme. His morning hood stood monolithic in the sunlight, all 7.5 inches of it, and normally he would deflate it, but he didn’t have the time this morning.
Throwing on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, Seth sauntered over to his door and braced himself for the “new member of the family” he was about to meet. Last month, his mother had adopted a Succubus from one of the countless “Homeless Succubus” organisations that have been popping up since the “mass appearance”.
So basically, there was an overpopulation of Succubi in the Netherrealm (mostly because they were fucking everything and everyone), so the governments of the Netherrealm had given the Succubi population a choice. Be culled or move into the Human world. And the governments of Earth had stupidly agreed. And because most of the Succubi were too lazy to go into the workforce, tons of shitty charity organisations popped up to help the perpetually horny whores find themselves a family to mooch off of.