Should I, the nanny [F] [22] fuck my boss [M40s] after I tell him about his cheating wife?

I wrote this post on r/relationships and got a sarcastic message that I would be better writing here

So, here I am! The gist of the post is that I work and live with a family. The dad, Mark, is a wonderful person and there is something that I find incredibly sexy about him. He’s quietly spoken and intelligent. He’s tall with brown eyes and dark brown hair that curls adorably when he needs a haircut, happening a lot lately! He’s not some supermodel so it’s probably strange that I find him so hot, but I guess quarantine isn’t helping! His wife, Sally, is the complete opposite to him when it comes to personality. She’s a spoilt rich girl and the only people who piss me off more than her are her parents who seem to control everything. I overheard Sally fucking someone else on the weekend and I wasn’t surprised as she treats Mark pretty terribly. Sally has decided that her, myself and their youngest kid are going to her parents for a few weeks across the border. I’m not keen to go as it’s technically shut and also, I just heard her cheating on her lovely husband.