Listening to My Dad Fuck (Solo)

This one made me feel grimey, I hope you enjoy.

Like most marriages, the one between my parents started when they were too young and ended with an ugly divorce. I was just a boy, maybe ten years old at that time, so naturally I became used as a bargaining chip throughout the whole separation process. When the dust settled, my mother was awarded the house and custody of me and I’d see my father on weekends at the apartment he was renting at the other end of town. For a few years things went along just fine like this, or as fine as it could be. They both started dating other people, but my father couldn’t find a woman to stick around. Some women lasted for a year or so, but never much longer than that. My father’s living situation would change with almost every woman he got serious with. Sometimes they would move in with him, but usually he’d go to live with them.

It never seemed like it at the time, but as I got older I realized that he was just barely getting by. I found out that he had cheated and was paying a lot in child support, which left him struggling financially, but he always made it work, somehow.

Right Time, Wrong Girl (FM)

*Another tale from my days of yesteryear, hope you enjoy.*
Everyone is 18+

It was close to the end of August and my mom happened to be out of state for a few days getting my sister settled in at her new school, and being the responsible young adult I was, I threw a party. There were a lot more people than I expected, but never out of control, in fact, I’d say it went almost perfect. There was the typical amount of clean up needed the next day, but the cops never got called, no one died that night, no fist fights, nothing important or valuable was broken or taken *and* it birthed this story.

It starts when the party was ending. Almost everyone had left except for my girlfriend and maybe 8 or 9 others. My girlfriend and I only started dating a few weeks ago so this was her first introduction to my friends and I was really nervous. I had been drinking way too much and smoking all night and it started to catch up with me. I stood up and immediately knew I’d be out cold very soon. I told everyone left that they were welcome to stay the night and my girlfriend helped me find my way into my mom’s room where I crashed instantly.

The affair with my work wife (part 2) (FM)

*Here is part 2. You don’t necessarily need part 1, but if you’re interested it can be found on my page along with my other stories. Thank you for reading.*

It felt like forever to reach Sunday morning while I lied in bed alone, dead to the world. I watched the bedside radio flip through each illuminated red number and my ears occasionally caught a sentence or two from the infomercial droning on in the back. I wasn’t so much drunk anymore as I was anxious and now delirious from lack of sleep. *What am I doing?* I asked myself. *Is this really what I want?*

It sure felt like it.

Two of the guys from our team texted me, checking that I got back alright. One of those texts was from Jack, our defacto leader. He didn’t mention Elle by name, but asked if I got lucky and based on his grinch-like grin he wore last night, I think he’s caught on to us. Very truthfully, I told him we are just good friends and nothing happened. I had only begun to trust him and wasn’t sure how he would’ve reacted. Jack didn’t seem to believe me anyway and told me my secret is safe with him. I couldn’t think of a response that wasn’t going to incriminate me, so I said nothing. I still hadn’t heard a word from Elle since the elevator last night, but I guess that should’ve been expected.

The affair with my work wife (FM)

*If you like this, please check out my other stories I’ve posted and stay tuned for more on this one.*

This all took place over the course of several years. My wife and I started new jobs that paid better than we ever had. Looking back, it wasn’t that much money, really, but it felt like a lot. I don’t think I’d have the space to detail all of our marital issues at the time, but it got bad and we almost got divorced.

A friend of my wife, Beth, had recommended me for my new job working for the same tech company as her. I hustled my ass off to prove myself and make sure she didn’t look bad. She was the head of a different department, but we’d occasionally grab lunch together and catch up. She was always friendly and helpful, but always kept it professional.

Fucking my Stalker [FM]

Here’s another story from my catalog of awkward sexual experiences. Everyone is 18+.

I used to go to college with this girl, Sadie. For some reason she was *really* into me and even stalked me for a little while. I’ve never had a girl fawn over me before and especially not like this. I can’t lie, part of me felt like it was a nice change to feel chased as opposed to being the one on the hunt, but nothing went how either of us had planned.

Sadie was very short and petite, come to think of it, she may have been the smallest girl I’ve ever hooked up with. She had medium length, wavy blonde hair that she usually kept it up in a ponytail or bun and she touted big blue eyes with reasonable ass and tits for her body size.

I definitely found Sadie attractive, but I somehow had just talked my way into a date with Jen, who was super hot, funny and well out of my league. Our date had got me really nervous and I didn’t want to do anything that might mess up my chances with her.

How the princess rescued my Halloween, but did I ruin hers? (MF)

Possible rape triggers. All people are 18+. Would love to hear any feedback and thank you for reading!

This may be too long for some, skip to ****** for the action

It was Halloween weekend and my college campus was buzzing with fervor. I had a last minute change of heart and decided to join my friends in the festivities. Going out isn’t something I’d normally do, but I felt really lonely on that night and wanted to be near people. I threw on a homemade Indiana Jones costume my roommate had extra and scrambled to catch up with them on their way to the bar that was notorious for allowing underaged drinking.

At first the vibe felt great, the lights, the noise, the chaos, the heat from the crowd dancing. As the night progressed I found myself desperate for a woman’s affection. This, however, has never been an easy task for me to accomplish. I struggle to get the right amount of liquid courage in me; enough to seem confident and say something witty, but also avoiding getting sloppy and sounding like a douchebag. Despite the encouragement the guys were providing, the endless rejections had crippled my self esteem and ignited my insecurities until I couldn’t stand to be there anymore. I was cold, drunk, depressed and alone as I left the bar. I shot off an ungodly amount of late night “you up?” texts, but got no replies. The bitterness of my failure mixed with the fall night air cut me hard as I tucked my chin to my chest and zipped my jacket up.

The one that got away [MF] [Cheating] [Non-fiction] Long

I’ve really enjoyed lurking on this sub and it inspired me to post this story of a night I think about too often. It’s my first ever time attempting this so please let me know what you think. It’s written off of memory mostly, hope you enjoy.

It was almost a year that my ex (19F) and I (21M) had been separated and I had a very tough time moving on from her. She was easily the best fuck I’ve had, but we also had a lot of non sexual interests in common so the things I normally found comfort in detoured me into thinking about her, like certain songs or movies or even some memes. When we split up I lost a lot of friends, but I rationalized that they were mostly her friends (both M and F). All of this had me feeling isolated and into my first notable battle with depression. It felt like I needed to restart my life from scratch, so I did.

I started doing everything differently. I grew my hair out, I tried to become more assertive, I now had some tattoos and even started to dabble in hard drugs. These were all in opposition of who I was up to this point. I still really missed these friends and after some time I decided I wanted to reach out.