I [f]orgot to buy [m]y friend a Christmas present so I fucked him instead

My friend, Adam, and I have been friends for over a year now – we met at uni and have been pretty close since. I always thought Adam was pretty cute – little taller than me, light brown hair, glasses – but he had a serious girlfriend for a few months, only breaking it off about a month before Christmas. I think I only saw her about twice though. Our mutual friend group decided to do secret santa this year and I happened to score Adam, which sucked because not only was he incredibly hard to find a gift for, but I’m absolutely shit at finding presents – and I leave them until the last minute.

So naturally when Christmas eve came and it was time to swap presents, I had dashed to the liquor store to buy a fancy wine and some chocolates for Adam, knowing it was a lame present. Being an incredibly nice guy though, Adam claimed to love it and that was that. Until he came up to me afterwards and asked if I wanted to crack open the newly bought alcohol at his parents house who were away for Christmas somewhere across the globe.

He [f]ucked [m]e at the beach

I’ve been seeing this guy, Christopher, for a few months now and I’ve written two stories on this a while back and we’ve had sex many times since. However, nothing has been so interesting enough that I’ve had inspiration to write about it, until a few days ago when we went on a day trip to the beach. I won’t bore you with details as I know the reason you’re here, but read part one and two if you’re interested in hearing about our earlier… adventures.

I’m wearing a red bikini that leaves little to the imagination – despite not having very large boobs – and matching bottoms, with a sheer dress over the top; this ensemble and Christopher’s lean, fairly toned – but incredibly pasty, because he needs a fucking tan – shirtless body has left us both horny and touchy in the car. So by the time we reach the beach, I shed the dress and we’ve had a swim, we’re lying on a secluded part of the beach by the dunes under some shade, and I curl up next to Christopher, purposely pressing my boobs against his chest.

I [f]ucked him in a [m]ovie theatre

So I met up with this guy Christopher again a few days ago (check out my other story for part one), and we’ve been texting a lot since we hooked up in his hotel room about two weeks ago. I wasn’t really expecting anything to happen after that night, so it was surprising when he asked if I wanted to go to the cinemas with him.

It was at a fairly dinghy cinema, which was surprising as he is extremely wealthy for being only 22 (a business man of some sort), so I half-expected some really fancy shit. Anyway, I dressed up in a navy dress, some cleavage on display and a pair of high-heeled boots.

We met outside the cinema and he looked really nice in a casual white t shirt and jeans. We got our tickets (to see Rocketman), and I followed Christopher up to the very back of the movie theatre and we sat in the last row.

I thought the cinemas would be pretty full as it was a relatively new movie, but there were only three other people inside, one woman sitting in the middle and an older couple at the front.

I [f]ucked a stranger for weed in his hotel roo[m]

So I’m in first year uni and I’ve never smoked, had weed or taken any kind of drug before. My friends (two other girls, Jas and Laura) and I decided to go out one night for some drinks after a huge assignment we just finished. It was some bar at a five star hotel, really fancy so I dressed up more than I usually would.

If you’re here purely for the dirty stuff, scroll until you see the ***

I’m fairly average in height, don’t have huge boobs – only a B cup – and a small ass, but I work out so it’s not bad. That night I wore a corset-type black top that pushed my boobs up so it looked like I was more of a C cup (I’m fairly self-conscious of my breasts), and high waisted jeans with black boots.

Once we get there, the club is heaving – getting our drinks was a feat and we had to
stand in line for ages while strangers practically climbed over you to get past. Eventually I’ve got a glass of wine and the girls and I headed to the balcony for some fresh air. There’s a little corner bit that was sectioned off and the table said reserved but no one was watching so we ducked underneath and chatted for a bit.