She asked for the moon and the stars [M][F][M]

**She asked for the moon & the stars**

There was a cadence in her walk, a rhythmic one, he observed from behind. Much like the undulations of the wave that the sand absorbed. And with this cadence, she left a trail of footprints on the sand, and seeing as how she trudged on, the trail grew deeper and shapeless.

But her calves showed an attractive curve, even in the dark of the night, as the moonlight gleamed on the grains of sand glued to her feet, all the way up to her thighs, which bared through the white, knitted beach dress that covered blue tattered denim shorts and a tiny gray melange spaghetti underneath. The tanned brownness of the skin showing through.

As the waves came crashing, I found myself pacing up to her. “Always out of reach,” I mused. She plodded on, sight fixated on **A**, who stood right under the awning of that shack.

It was a quick arrangement, one that could only have been born out of a 20-year-old reckless, zany mind. And it definitely had the makings of an adventure. Two friends and a beautiful, brazen girl soundly discussing it, as though it was a well-meditated business transaction, one that was to enter an unfamiliar territory.

[M]e, my date [F] and the Cabbie

Alcohol has been my best wingman, really..that I knew. But I didn’t know how it could make me reach inside me and retrieve the most unsavoury of desires.

A colleague I hadn’t seen in a long time, who recurred in my dream since over a month, finally decided to meet me in a pub near my old office. This girl whom I knew from my previous workplace had this quiet, retiring personality, and I had longed to know her more since I caught a fleeting glimpse of her conversation with a friend. A few words I cottoned on…something about her calling someone a size queen. There definitely is something ticklish about a prudish girl making smutty references. It also helps to add that underneath her rather conservative dress sense, she had a rocking body. Some I could see, some I completed using my tool of imagination.

Her cold-ish, retreating vibe added to that desirability. Think – I am taking the creative leap with my reference here – Monica Bellucci with a vibe of January Jones. The resounding fullness of her figure…mingled with the coyness. In these recurring dreams, I found myself madly consumed with the craving to feel every inch of her..exactly where she stood near the water cooler.

Shaken and Cold from seeing [M]y best [F]riend in Action.

I (32M) have had a fairly healthy sexual life, long relationships, multiple sex partners. I’d say the frequency could be on the higher side of the median. I have fairly been of monogamous disposition, you know the whole drill of chasing and pining for someone, being immersed into her universe and making her my universe. Sex, torrid or lukewarm, has been primarily a part of a relationship, scarcely outside of it.

Until I met my best friend, whose acquaintance I first had in a pub 5 years ago. I met her when I was single, and she was in the midst of a long, torturous relationship with a narcissistic guy who perennially kept her on the tenterhooks. She has always had a sexually open disposition (a strong believer of ‘free love’), but at the time I met her, she was burning for someone. She’d just broken up, during which she was actively having ONS with multiple guys. Mostly as a way to get back at her ex. The girl in question has a goddess-like body, a very lady-like demeanour, and a very COLD vibe. Think a body like Scarlett Johansson/Valentina Nappi, and an attitude like Claire Underwood from House of Cards.