My First Time with a Cougar [MF]

My first apartment in a big city was in a middle-class neighborhood of a major metropolitan area. It was a small apartment on the ground floor of a four-story building. The building was located near one of the city parks and birds singing were heard in the apartment every morning. My neighbors were middle-class families of all ages from young professionals to retired people who modestly lived their gold age years in the big apple of the middle east. On the first day in the department I heard cautious knocking on the door, I opened the door and saw a senior lady, she was very fit with colored hair of brown red tint. She said hello and introduced herself. She inquired about what may I need and investigated my apartment above my shoulder. I said that I’m a college student and this is my first day at this place. Besides the kitchen with major electric appliances, the apartment had some furniture, but no other stuff needed for a normal life. A couple of hours later the second time someone knocked on my door, I opened the and saw her again. She holds cardboard with a new set of beautiful china and several bags with bedding staff. I was very happy that during my first time in the apartment I would have everything for a comfortable living. In addition, she gave me a big package of buckwheat and explained that it is very nutritious.