It’s hot and sunny here in the U.K. today. Reminds me of the heat wave of nineteen-seventy-six.
I was twenty-two and I looked like a rock god — couldn’t play a note, though. A year later my hair was gone but I took up guitar. Yeah, Punk changed everything.
I was going out with an eighteen year old named Belinda. She’d moved in with me that May. On Friday evenings we used to walk the three miles to the city centre, to save the bus fare so we would could buy one more drink. The rent, food, and utilities meant we were skint all the time, we always had to scrape for the weekend.
While we waited for the pub to open we would go across to the park and find a secluded spot, have joint. This day I noticed a guy about fifty yards away trying to conceal himself in the rhododendrons.
Belinda and I had been holding hands, kissing from time to time, proper lovebirds. My hair was shoulder length back then, thick and wild. I had on a a white embroidered cheesecloth shirt and loons — yeah, I know! From where he was he must have though I was a chick, that we were two females